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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by alwTicToc

  1. Thanks real jugg!
  2. and he is back...again...right now.
  3. the problem isn't the cloning. it was the blatant hacking. i would be happy to put forth some names of the regulars that play mta to at least get kicking rights.
  4. today...as in right now. there is a hacker on masquerading as Juggernaut. no admins (as usual sadly) to kick him. would be nice if someone can do it.
  5. Could use some more admins, I agree, usually sky is on. Btw, Juggernaut isn't admin he got rejected, so if he has admin someone is fucking things up. well jug used to have admin...i know that. i was there when SkyNet gave it to him. i guess it doesnt matter why he was rejected. but something needs to be done. there are many regulars on, some of those should be intrusted to at least have kicking rights.
  6. I'm just curious how many admins this server has. there are so many times that i am online and there are hackers present. it would be nice if you had a few more. i know juggernaut is one and so is SkyNet. who else is there? btw...if you dont see me as TicToc you will see me as skellington. Taint3d and i have played this game for around 4 years and have a riot doing so. We always find it funny when people accuse us of hacking because we win! i just lol. so...if you have some info, that would be great! take care! tictoc/skellington
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