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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Ashendar

  1. oo... it's nice how any shotgun can own so much a$$ on hardcore bfbc2 servers ) and the range of the WWII M1911 .45 is unbelievably great , you can actually SNIPE with it ) i was ninja wookie in a bush with red dot m95 and m1911 and it was easier to get people with the m1911 but it took 2 bullets to take 'em down so i was like "OOH SNIPAH ON THE HILL *PEW PEW* *one miss one hitmark * SNIPAH RUNNING ! *PEW PEW* SNIPAH DEAD" i also tried sniping with the rex but it seems like that gun randomly shoots the bullet like it never hits middle not even when aimed down still it's a hell of a gun for close quarters (i like using it for ninja wookie knifing sessions )
  2. ooooo idk what to write here _O_

  3. Ashendar


    hmm... looks cool think i'm going to try it today (if it finishes downloading today)
  4. 6/10 not my style but ok . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZO2qO9FaIWU
  5. oh game works again(my pc tends to play jokes on me from time to time) , played heavy metal in 4vs4 conquest and man did it take ages... 1 hour at least on heavy metal and another hour on harvest day 5vs5 rush . i must say they are not great maps , they are giant and great at the same time . Yeah that is the bad part about bfbc2 servers , rent only and that sir ain't for our noses .
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