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Mr. Green Gaming


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MrZunz last won the day on June 29 2012

MrZunz had the most liked content!

About MrZunz

  • Birthday 02/25/1992

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  • Discord
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  • Location
    The Netherlands
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Aaarrrgh me eyes!
  2. MrZunz

    Welcome back

    Good job gentlemen!
  3. Pretty fun, I think I developed RSI after level 11 though
  4. Error at launch: There should be 'Bizarre Puzzler_Data' folder next to the executable
  5. XYZ coords from the char_matrix inside the player class, so it's guarenteed to work! I can start teleporting around now! Apply directly to the forehead. Hacking Just Cause 2 pretty much.
  6. MrZunz

    Day Z

  7. Das ist mein hamburger

    1. xeim


      Hm lecker!

    2. EmRA


      ich bin eine Straßenbahn.

  8. MrZunz

    Day Z

    You should watch this.
  9. Wut, I'm playing on Whiteside Ridge too!
  10. MrZunz

    The WarZ

    More gameplay from IGN: http://www.ign.com/videos/2012/09/14/the-war-z-gameplay-footage-one I hope they do some mocapping for the animations because this just looks shit.
  11. MrZunz

    Windows 8

    I wonder how many of you guys actually used it before you start screaming (it's) poop. Yes there might be a different screen which you may or may not like, that's personal preference, but other than that it's still functioning better than windows 7 (boot time for example). I'm using windows 8 to develop with on my laptop and althought I'm quit a microsoft whore I'm pretty much pleased about it. But I guess it's cool to join the anti-hype bandwagon.
  12. This weekend we're running a beta test of JC2-MP all weekend long! Here's what you need to know: Start Time : SATURDAY! [6PM AEST] [4AM EDT] [1AM PDT] [10AM CET] [8AM GMT] Length : 48 hours. 0.0.7 Changelog New Features Extended Passenger Sync ( most 4 seat military vehicles now have useable back seats ) Added basic server-side Lua gamemode scripting Bug Fixes Adjusted player health bars ( made them smaller / no longer shown when the player is at 100% health ) Many minor bug fixes.
  13. MrZunz

    The WarZ

    There is some gameplay footage now!
  14. Just Cause 2 is on steam sale now! It's only 5 euros!

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