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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by MrZunz

  1. MrZunz

    Day Z

    I dont have any problems at all and I have Arma 2 free too. Apart from the FPS drops but that's because of dayz itself.
  2. I'm throwing money at my screen but it aint working...
  3. MrZunz

    Day Z

    I'm sorry to hear your loss Massi, he served well.
  4. MrZunz

    Day Z

    Also, we really need to get some more people on at the same time so we can have an army ourselves!
  5. MrZunz

    Day Z

    Thank you my lord.
  6. MrZunz

    Day Z

    Sounds good to me, try to mark the place on this: http://www.twiddla.com/852431
  7. MrZunz

    Day Z

    Barely? The huge tower attracts people and there are pretty many survivors around that place. probably best if we hide in a tree line next to it somewhere closer. But not AT Green Mountain.
  8. MrZunz

    Day Z

    I logged back in, spawned inside the barn where I last logged out, saw a dude right infront of me with a hunting rifle. Poor sod got a bullet in the back of his head, now I am the happy one with the rifle. Does that make me a bandit? :/
  9. MrZunz

    Day Z

    So FR2 it is?
  10. MrZunz

    Day Z

    But then we wont have a global camp, tents only stay on the server they are deployed on.
  11. MrZunz

    Day Z

    Sounds good, we have to pick a server too though.
  12. MrZunz

    Day Z

    Also, why not use twiddla to mark positions? http://www.twiddla.com/852431 Could be used to set up a rally point too. EDIT: Not going to work if everyone is just going to draw dicks on the map...
  13. MrZunz

    Day Z

    How do you actually get a ghilliesuitbushwookie skin?
  14. MrZunz

    Day Z

    Predators sounds good, we really have the set a up a camp up somewhere so we can start an army.
  15. MrZunz

    Day Z

    got it to work on my laptop, created a character. Got ganged up immediately as soon as I spawned by 5 zombies...
  16. U R 2 6 C I 1 2 4 Q

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Balmung


      R U A QT?

    3. EmRA


      U + I = BBY

    4. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      You want to Fork me? That day came at last <3

  17. http://www.arena.net/blog/choosing-and-transferring-worlds-in-guild-wars-2
    1. Mathematic


      Dark side of the internet again. Good job that you found it.

  18. I can code stuff in C#, just give a shout if you ever need me.
  19. Goodluck, you deserve it!
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