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Mr. Green Gaming

F1ddle D1ddle

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F1ddle D1ddle last won the day on April 14 2012

F1ddle D1ddle had the most liked content!

About F1ddle D1ddle

  • Birthday 12/01/1991

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    F1ddle D1ddle

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  • Interests
    Gmod ZS
    DJ-ing - I play Drum N' Bass & Dubstep mostly
    Game Level design
    Being Epic

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  1. I concur, although I've only just re-joined, its nice to see the server so lively again
  2. Completely Mastered (IMPOSSIBRU!) None Advanced Experience C++ Mediocre Experience C C# / Java ARM Assembler VHDL Some Experience LUA Python MEL HTML PHP
  3. feathers, i rather enjoy chewing my own food =D Would you rather... get a blowjob from your dad or take a shit in your hands and then start clapping
  4. dam you MINKY! you've turned me into a tf2 trading monster :P

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. F1ddle D1ddle

      F1ddle D1ddle

      lol true true, lthough i like the idea of being able to trade legitimatley in game items for real cash :P

    3. F1ddle D1ddle

      F1ddle D1ddle

      i like real monies

    4. Sneed


      Oh yeah, I remember that Luke. It was much trading in the beginning but alot of greifing at the end :V

  5. Yeah, been quite busy lately :V we shall have a gaming catchup :V P.S. ITS MICHAEL ROSENS BIRTHDAY TODAY!

  6. hallooo, havnt spoke to you in like ages :P

  7. yeah, or you could change it to scout and then make a new class called assassin which uses a katana and shurikens >=)
  8. I agree, i mean what would i be without a bit of fiddling?
  9. Hahah that was jokes =P I think for the sake of humanity we can let this one be allowed. ill update the video length bit to allow special circumstances like setting the scene
  10. Hey again fellow Left4Greener's! This topic has been created in order for all of you guys to show the rest of us some of your best kills from the world of Gaming. Ever made a kill you could not believe just happened? Ever completely annihilated the enemy team in a matter of seconds? Or have you ever made a kill so ridiculous that it has to be seen to be believed? Well here is your chance to prove your Epicness and become a God among us mere mortals! (Muahahahahaaa) So please post your videos here and let us see how killing should be done. By the way, the top 3 kills which receives the most +1 likes will get a special mention in this first post so you can get some more self satisfaction =P. Here are the requirements for the submitted video and the format it should be in... Video Requirements Less than a minute long - We don't need to see the entire game when the kill only takes 5 seconds to happen. (special circumstances may be allowed for extended video length)Uploaded on YouTube and linked posted using "Insert Media" - So we can all look at the video on this topic page rather than delving into the depths of the internet to find it.Short title sequence or description in the post showing the following... Title - Give your kill a suitable title (e.g. Rifle to the face!) Victim - Who did you kill? Killer - Who are you? (In-Game name) No rude or Pornographic images - We don't want or need to see this, keep it clean.No gay music over the top of the video - If I even hear "Bodies hit the floor"....... Only add music if it is relevant or funny, otherwise original In-game sound please.Would prefer the videos to be of games featured and hosted by left4green but kills from other sources will be accepted. So without any further ado, let the killing commence! --Top 3 Kills-- 3. ------- 2. ------- 1. ------- ------------------- EXAMPLE VIDEO (You can also like this one too )
  11. Good luck Minky May the love of Michael rosen and hundreds of plums rain down upon you for all eternity
  12. These guys wouldnt stop cade breaking even after I asked them too. Heres video to prove my allegations ^^
  13. gaaa gotta pay £3 lolol so what annoys me more, 3quid or an error?
  14. Hey, I unlocked the C4 weapon in ZS today and I found a problem. The weapon works as it should, I can place mines, see where they are placed and detonate them with a 1 second delay between the trigger and explosion. But what I do no have is the model for when my player is holding the C4 whilst equiped. It looks like the error you get when you do not have the correct source content. Howeever this is the only weapon which displays this error in the whole time ive been playing ZS. I spoke to B0x about it and he suggested deleting my local cache, unfortunatley upon r-edownloading when I rejoined the server, the same thing happened. Heres a video to show what I mean. weapon_zs_mine ZS c4 error.wmv
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