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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by AutomatedMoose

  1. « Crew Clavus: Stay out of this forum if you are not involved »
  2. Working now, thanks!
  3. Corby told JuanTwoThree4 and I we were banned for two days. He is unbanned and I am not, please fix this when convenient, thanks.
  4. I appreciate that. And honestly, we wouldn't have done it if he hadn't been so god damn annoying. (It's also wonderfully ironic that he told us he would get us banned, and ended up getting himself banned in the process.) Love this server!
  5. I understand that we broke the rules, and it's fine, I can deal with a two day ban. But it really bothers me that the obvious troll (who does nothing but) gets off completely free for making those kinds of comments. And it REALLY bothers me that he pulls the "I donated" card to get his way. Corby isn't my favorite admin either, but it's his choice and not mine. See you in two days.
  6. I believe the rule applies more on the side of making mountains out in the wilderness for the sake of being a troll. Griefing and raiding are completely legal and therefore, the use of lava to attack a base is fair game. If you placed obsidian on a base to trap somebody, that wouldn't be bannable. I don't see why this would be either. However, using racial slurs and calling somebody a "dirty little mexican" is not okay.
  7. Those screenshots hardly prove a thing, as we were only standing around a stone structure. We had set out to raid ByteMe's base, after they had repeatedly made racial comments towards several users. One of them being Juan, who they have been harassing for several weeks now. I have no problems with competition and smack talk, but users on this server should not be constantly verbally harassed by a faction, especially about their race. ByteMe has donated to the server, and I sincerely hope that will not skew the judgement of the admins their way. With little to no proof, and the history of this faction (trolling) I hope that the mods can make an informed decision.
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