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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by AutomatedMoose

  1. Sounds good Minky, I always like hearing your input.
  2. Off topic, but look at Juan's handiwork. End Farm Destroyed
  3. Jew1shGod isn't too bright, I know him in real life too.
  4. Mathijs, if you're implying that you would make a good admin, you're dead wrong. Certainly you've done well as a player, but when it comes to in-game issues you swear like a sailor and disrespect people. Admins have to be friendly and hardworking, which is something that most of us cannot do.
  5. Blackbird's spawner is finally destroyed. Good night sweet prince.

    1. awesomeo_5000


      One ring to find them.

  6. We could have people vote for it. I mean, if you're going to give somebody that much power they might as well be liked. However, they should have to apply and go through Clavus.
  7. I see your point in that. Well maybe we should have Clavus start a thread about it? It's his decision.
  8. Juan is a friend of mine in real life, and the leader of our faction... but I don't think you should make him admin. This is what happened last time he had that kind of power. All joking aside, I think we have plenty of admins and they all seem like they do a good job.
  9. I accompanied Juan into the end, and here is what happened through my eyes. First of all, these figures are completely exaggerated. Juan has no alt accounts, but we are a large faction. Several of us were able to pearl into the end by using a combination of creepers, TNT, and of course Enderpearls. This has been going on for about a week, and in that time we used the spawner to create our own Protection IV armor. Once we had our fill, we simply TNT'ed the unclaimed spawner. No hacks were involved, and if anything we did the server a favor. No one faction should be able to control The End simply on their own. Especially if they're creating massive spawners to mass produce armor that no other faction can stand up to. Feel free to ask any follow up questions in a calm manner, I'm not going to respond to walls of poorly written text.
  10. I'm just curious as to how emeralds will work. If all the npc villages are destroyed in two days, we can't really use them...
  11. Awesomeo speaks for the trees!
  12. Your pipe-smoking dog amuses me.

  13. You seem to have taken my enthusiasm the wrong way. I wasn't advocating a map reset because, to put it simply, I don't want to lose all my items and my obsidian skybase. However, if it's going to happen we might as well embrace it and be happy. That's all I was trying to say in the first place. Also, please for the love of god install that tree plugin awesomeo mentioned.
  14. These aren't permanent solutions, but it will be nice for a few days. And Juan, for you.
  15. I'm tired of the complaining I see every time I log into the game. LRG is one of the strongest factions, and I'm going to lose a lot of items in the reset. Who cares, it's going to be fun. 1. Fresh and clean biomes 2. Brand new NPC villages 3. Less X-ray holes to fall in 4. Trees that actually have trunks 5. No 1x1 towers 6. Every faction is equal 7. The End will not be controlled like a Russian prostitution ring 8. Diamond armor will be good again 9. People cannot spam potions in your face 10. New spawn 11. There will actually be ore in the ground 12. New places to explore 13. Possibility of less ocean biomes (fingers crossed) 14. New factions have a fighting chance 15. Nobody will have TNT (unless they buy it) 16. No ruins 17. No lava mountains 18. Obsidian will not be as common as dirt 19. It will be easy to raid 20. Minecraft 1.3 will have pyramids! 21. Clavus said so. Feel free to add your own reasons why you're excited for the reset. And for the haters: http://i.qkme.me/1tdv.jpg
  16. One last bump, because he pulled this crap again today.
  17. I know I'm not supposed to post on this forum, but the irony in this is too funny.
  18. Not trying to bump, just wondering why there haven't been any responses to this...
  19. Just because somebody is better than you doesn't mean they hack. The real problem is that you're garbage and are just upset that you were raided. I'm sorry. Do you need a hug?
  20. He was spamming "penis" in chat for a good ten minutes. It didn't block out chat altogether, but it got very annoying after a while. *Edit* His name is Myles2234, not Myle2234.
  21. Yeah, one wooden door isn't going to protect you pal. Sorry.
  22. Nobody told me it was picture day!
  23. Knowledge of Glitches and Counter-Glitches > All the TNT in the would
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