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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by ikt

  1. Ah, what a shame. Is the history kept somewhere, or has it disappeared off the internet forever? Made some fun memories back in the day.
  2. Just checked back in after being not-active in this community for years - looks like a lot has changed, including the ever trusty Ywa and the Dutch forums disappearing. Nogal laat, maar succes met je verdere (e-)avonturen!
  3. ikt


  4. ikt


    oh shit, uninstalling everything now!
  5. ikt


    Well, oddly enough SA doesn't run smoothly for me, but GTA V hasn't ever dropped below 60FPS. At least modern computers won't suffer? Sad for those rocking their trusty old 6600GT's, but it's not 2006 any more ^^ Plus - CitizenFX sync seems flawless! Last time I played MTA:SA they just implemented the MP part (so, one of the first releases after MTA:SA Race). Has much changed in the past years? What does Mr. Green even host nowadays? Still looks like the good ol' Race.
  6. ikt


    People still play SA actively? Oh man, it's been ages since I last played SA-MP and even more for MTA:SA. Maybe MultiFive is interesting, though I do have concerns about the moderating/developing team (since MultiFive is built on the ruins of FiveM and NTA did not seem too enthousiastic about it).
  7. ikt


    Seeing the sad state of the old Dutch forums I thought I'd drop by here and see what was up. This is somewhat better maintained. Is Mr. Green still active? Got plans for MultiFive?
  8. ikt


    Hi. I'm new here.
  9. Google, type in song name + mp3, download 320kbps version.
  10. Because sausages.
  11. I don't know, but it may be because high ping. Vietnam I guess?
  12. y ello thar I have this fucked up Hackintosh installation that won't install any drivars, so I can't even into internet with it. Now it somehow does see my piece of crap phone via a bluetooth dongle I got somewhere very cheap. I tried connecting to the internet with it on Windows 7, worked fine (5kbps/1kbps is better than nothing). Tried doing the same in Mac, it didn't werk. Why is OSX such a piece of shit? I mean, how can an operating system with no compatibility whatsoever still not beat Windows, while Windows has to be compatible with everything and still be awesome? Heck, hardware crashes shouldn't even exist on Mac.
  13. Vielleicht.
  14. Does that work normally? I'm trying to just use the official image, but it pretty much failed. I'm now doing it again, hopefully this will work. Also, USB Thumb drives for booting is shit. If you fuck your USB Drive up while trying this, use HP USB Format tool to restore it.
  15. ikt

    Crysis 2

    Anyone tried the leaked beta? The graphics, as far as I can see, look pretty acceptable. Too much use of post-effects like bloom, but it looks pretty nice. As for the sound, I can't say. My computer doesn't render sound very good. Looks good and plays pretty well on this old computer, despite its agne, and this is a beta build. So I have my hopes up pretty high for the actual game.
  16. It's nice infuriating people who actually bought Macs.
  17. THIS IS STILL WORK IN PROGRESS I haven't tried installing it yet because the files are still copying. I'll update this thread as soon as possible. Update: Forgot the "Extra.rar" part. Pretty important, since it crashes without it. Somehow my USB Drive got fucked and now I need to re-do everything again. Shit. Well, tomorrow I'll let you know if it works. Hai guise. I got interasded into installing OS X onto a PC. Especially since people said it was impossible without having a Mac. These two (linked) tutorials for example: http://lifehacker.com/#!5351485/how-to-build-a-hackintosh-with-snow-leopard-start-to-finish http://lifehacker.com/#!5360150/install-snow-leopard-on-your-hackintosh-pc-no-hacking-required Well, it should be possible. For as far, I haven't encountered anything really impossible. Just extremely hard. Now comes the tutorial of how to prepare a Mac OS X Snow Leopard installation USB drive without using a Mac. First, you will need these things. Get them or download them and put them in an easy to access place. - a computer capable of USB booting running Windows - a Mac OS X Snow Leopard upgrade/installation disk - an USB drive AT LEAST 8GBs big (because the disk image is 8GBs big) That'll be the hardware you need. Now for the software. Install it and save the files to somewhere handy. Software/programs: - MacDrive. This program is needed because it makes it possible to do pretty anything. - MBRFix. This utility will provide functionality not found in Windows. Download it from the site and keep it somewhere handy. - dd for Windows. This utility will provide functionality not found in Windows. Keep it somewhere easy accessible. Files: - Chameleon. This will provide some neccesary files. Download the latest thing, extract it to a folder and keep it somewhere where you can get to it easily. - PC EFI. It's a BIOS replacement for the installer to load. Otherwise, it will simply crash upon loading. - Extra.rar. Some neccesary files. Won't work without it. Now you have gathered the needed stuff, let's get to work! Insert your USB Drive. Awesome. Now go to Computer, right-click on your USB Drive, and choose "Mac Format". [MF.png] Now you will have to choose to modify the volume. Select it on the list and click on format. You will need to select "HFS+ Case Sensitive" for it to work. Let it format. Now you have formatted your USB Drive with the correct file system, you will need to make it bootable. Let's go manual. First of all, we will need to know your drive ID. We don't want to mess up your Wondows MBR, do we? To do this, fire up cmd from [Windows + R] by typing cmd in the dialog. A cmd window will appear. Type in DISKPART. Et voilla, the DISKPART program will start inside CMD. Now, type in "LIST DISK". You will see a list of physical disks. Write down the number of your USB Drive. We will need this. Fire up MBRFix.exe through cmd.exe. To do this, open the folder with MBRFix.exe and drag and drop the file into cmd. The path to the MBRFix.exe will appear. Good job! Now type the following into it, filling in the [..] with the corrosponding files or locations. (Without the []s ofcourse) /drive [Drive number you wrote down] restorembr [path to boot0 file] The boot0 file I'm talking here refers to the boot0 you had to download earlier. It's from the chameleon archive in the i386 folder. Select it in its folder and drag and drop the boot0 file into the cmd prompt after removing [path to boot0 file]. The file path should appear. Press enter. Press Enter once again (for confirmation) Now you can only hope you have done it correctly, because no messages will inform you of what you just did. What you hopefully just did, is copying the file "boot0", which is 512bytes big, into the MBR. You just modified the Master Boot Record of your USB drive and it's going to help you loading the OSX installer. Next up, get dd.exe into cmd the same way you did with FixMbr.exe. Copy and paste this line: if=[location of boot1h file] of=\\.\[Drive letter]: What this does, is copying the boot1h file to the VBR, Volume Boot Record. The "if" means input file, the "of" means output file. But here we want to edit the drive itself. Once again, remove the [location of boot1h file] and drag and drop the file into cmd with the cmd cursor after the "if=". For the of=, you just need to chnage [Drive letter] to your drive letter. For example, if your USB Stick is E:, replace [Drive letter] with "e". Now press enter. If you have done it correctly, it will say 2+0 records in 2+0 records out and a message that it succeeded. DONE! At least, with the hardest part. This took me many more hours of searching and such. Now we want to get our files onto the USB Drive. Insert your Mac OS X Snow Leopard install DVD. You will see something like Bootcamp or something, instead of OSX installation files. Not the thing you want. Go to Computer, and right click on your drive. Select "Show Mac Files". Also, do select "Mac File Names" and choose "Backup / File transfer". Why? Because if we don't, things tend to fuck up. Now go Folder options and disable hiding of hidden files and system files. This is important too, Windows hides important system files to stop you from tampering with them. Also, seeing desktop.ini on your desktop is ugly. Now you can open the drive by double clicking it. Now you will see a lot of files. [DVD.png] You can copy them directly onto your USB Drive. Now you will need to extract the Extra.rar you just downloaded. Extract them directly onto the USB Drive. One more thing... The file you downloaded, boot.gz2. Extract it and copy the boot file onto your USB drive. Just copy it. No need for registering and such. You're finished! Magnificent! Now reboot, select your USB Stick to boot, and install it! This part should be pretty simple. It should load up with an Apple logo, and not crash instantly. It may take a while, loading from USB drives has never been fast. (At least, here). Good luck you all
  18. ikt

    1 to a 1000

    Including you?
  19. >running m0d_s0beit Oh sh-
  20. ikt

    MW2 + Doom = ???

    This is AWESOME. They just need to change the zombies to Al-Quada
  21. I don't know how CMD is blocked at your places, but it's blocked here too. Not the process though. If you open up CMD, a message will appear within it "Disabled by administrator", a red light will start blinking and one of the people monitoring the computer place will come visit you and slap you around. Unless you're awesome in coolfacing.
  22. At some locations, for example, on your work or at school, people tend to monitor their employees/students. At my school, for example, if you go on any sites that do not have to do something with school, you'll get banished as soon as the people watching you press their big red "kill" button. Your account will be suspended and such. If you kill that monitoring programm, everything will be fine and nobody can touch you, because they can't see you.
  23. Physically: 1. Turn around 2. Break their arms e-method: 1: Open notepad 2: Type in this: tasklist @echo off set /p Input=Enter ID: taskkill /f /pid %Input% 3: Save the shit as kill.bat 4: Copy it onto a portable medium to transport it to a place where you, for example, can't download/create .bat files, but can open your own files 5: Execute the .bat file 6: Just type in the process ID you want to kill (teamviewer, for example) 7: Hit enter 8: Watch porn on your work without getting caught! (you still need to watch your physical back, though)
  24. ikt

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