This is a great idea if you ask me. the best part of the no brewing or enchanting placing maps was that the enchant lvls where low. But Since were already talking bout removing things, i know its never good to remove too much, but i would love to see that damn invisibility potion go to hell. - Nerfing the instant harm pots might be popular, but if you ask me they make pvp intresting. They make you not wanna rush into an enemys face, and instead attack from different sides and move around. They might seem extremely op when using them against a "noob" but if you just have them in mind when fighting they arent too much of a threat. -also, i would like to try a map completely without spawners and public or private enderportals. The fun part of minecraft isnt about afking a spawner, though removing the highest enchants are already reducing spawner use, which is good!