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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by xpr0legendx

  1. I belive it costs $25 if you want to publish an app on the google play store
  2. Server restarts 8 times a day (gtm +1): 16:19 19:19 22:19 01:19 04:19 07:19 10:19 13:19
  3. @jillesstijn64 There's no need to overreact. I was just saying what I think. @KaiM21 You can see if an admin is online using /glist. However that doesn't show if I'm on my phone or pc. All it shows is if an admin is online in vanish or not.
  4. It's funny how everyone thinks I'm only on mcchat when they can't even see vanished players. Yes, I don't have a faction and I don't pvp or build at all, but that doesn't mean I never get on my pc. @jillesstijn64 I bet you only support Balmung because you think it'll increase your chance on becoming an admin.
  5. I'd like to see denby get admin. He has been here for a very long time and is very helpful. Good luck luke!
  6. The penalty is there for a reason. As for the power, for some reason it counts the power wrong. TheMonkeys should have 16 power together but it shows -2. Balmung will have to fix this.
  7. We'll unban your main account when we're able to.
  8. Sad to see you go, you always were a good admin. You tried your best reviving the server, which didn't always go as plan, but atleast we sometimes have 35 people playing on the server! I really like the old days, killing eachother and building gaint bases I wish you luck with your job! Good luck balmung, I'm sure you'll be a great server manager!
  9. Yorkie_pro will be unbanned and the other ones will remain banned
  10. Than they'll just build on 65-69, and if needed dig a hole below their base so creepers can't reach the base.
  11. I doubt you wont, but please inform ous (in that topic) how the server setup for next map will be (1.8) Will obby and liquids both get rekt by TNT and creepers? And what potion and enchant limits will be used? No limits, TNT + creepers will blow thru all.
  12. Currently there are admins and chatmods for each specific server. And since we're dropping the lobby idea, I was wondering if the admins would be admin on all servers (Factions, pvp, survival and creative).
  13. You can download the worlds here: http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/5178-mc-server-world-backups/ When you downloaded the world you want, then copy the file to your 'saves' folder. The saves folder can be found in your .minecraft .
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