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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by inteLzzz

  1. Good guy, good luck. Already said this in my mod app, but yeah there are never any staff online on race.
  2. 60 is default But its a non-issue because the speed difference from 50+ fps to 100 is minimal, pretty much only gives a slight (300ms max) advantage at the start of a race. Most even can't run the game at 100fps anyways at the start with all the ghostmode cars clipping. In my opinion its better to have players choose what FPS they want to play at since some prefer racing at 50, but some at 100. Edit: I had this idea some time ago where toptimes would include the players FPS limit, even just make it 2 modes, 50fps and unlimited(100 max since anything beyond that would break the game too much) could even sort it by fps in some fancy web UI. Would be hard to implement with the thousands of toptimes already in the db, but imo would be a good approach.
  3. What about a win streak script for race? I'm sure if noone wants to code one, there have to be some available. It could give you winreward+2 gc with 2x wins and then increment +1gc with each win. If someone doesnt understand, for example you win 2 times in a row, you get 10gc+2, if 3 times in a row - 10gc+3, if 4 times in a row - 10gc+4 and so on. Most servers have this, it could be fun and actually motivate you to not press that damn B button every time you fail. The values could be adjusted for smaller or bigger.
  4. The point is you have been reported for falsely banning people before, and you still boast your powers and treat normal players like lesser beings, I notice that pattern among other mix admins too. Also the fact that you put free speech in quotes and call a players honest opinion fake, which in fact many other players agree with is alone kinda fucked up, man
  5. Fuck off, I have been also playing since 2012. If i don't play on mix like your kiddie friends doesn't mean i'm not here. why is mix the main server anyways, Race has more players online 90%+ of the time with less AFKers. edit: nice, so now you do not want free speech here also, if you get triggered by peoples opinions you should get help my dude. the screen perfectly describes the absolute state of the servers edit2: listening to the community since 2009
  6. I will read the whole topic later, but thank you HarCor for the service to the community, I've been sperging out about this for a while in the ingame chat to no avail. Just gonna make it short, unless a player is hacking a ban is unnecessary under ANY circumstances, its just admins flexing their powers at that point. Mosh doesn't even like me, but he'd agree, bans are not necessary. Why were the blocker/lagger scripts made? for fun? respect the developers at least. And as for insults, worst case should be a 3 month mute, a mute is way more painful than a ban anyways, since you can play but you cannot speak no matter how much one is trying to provoke/trigger you. Also @SkyNET by doing shit sandy says, you are promoting trolling and insulting/swearing as an admin, think about that you should know how to work with people before you want to admin a server. 1 more, "random players" he is playing from 2012/1, that is the point of this post, shit admins like you banning old players.
  7. It is probably due to the low resolution, the GUI is too large, some parts of it don't scale as I've noticed with different resolutions. Did you try a higher res?
  8. I know there are loads of threads like these, but I just wanted one of my own. I hope you enjoy these. I'm gonna create a new post every time I decide to add any paintjobs. These only work on the properly paintjobbable cars (sultan, elegy, flash, jester, uranus, saturn) Also, thanks @cby for the awesome paintjob tester! NOTE: Vehicles look quite better ingame and nametags are removed. 1. Simple/abstract/minimal whatever object cool thingy paintjob, for the minimalists. LINK 2. Josh McGuire 2015 Formula Drift livery copycat, I have no idea who this guy actually is. The front is kinda messed up cause the crappy paintjob system, but it looks decent ingame, especially when the car has a bodykit. LINK 2.1. Dark version of same paintjob (this one also doesn't have the brembo and motul tags) LINK I also made a high resolution template for paintjobs (based on @hulpje's one, thanks!) LINK apologies for shitty pen tool skills, I know the arches are kinda not straight but they work. Hope somebody enjoys any of these
  9. Just put up the old gamemode and name it literally "oldschool ZS" (ofc with mrgreen branding and shit), servers like these tend to attract some people at least, well enough to play until the nostalgia wears off.
  10. what else is new?
  11. I feel like I can reply since I am the app creator, hes telling the truth tho, you only accept your friends and you do not care about race at all. Dont even care if this costs me the position cause nothing will change. The completely shit to good map ratio in race is like 1:1 at this point, cause "muh old maps". The server could have so much potential, at evenings almost always the player count is higher than mix, also it is biggest race only server on the global mta browser nearly always. Ywa wants donations right, well you could attract so much more players with just a map cleanup and some minor bugfixes. Oh well, in a perfect world race and mix would both have managers for each server.
  12. wew, overedited circle game edits. i never thought i'd see that today
  13. Yes I do sometimes join at night, because thats the only time its bearable, cause all the cancer is in spanish at least. Race players are a little salty by default, cause mix gets all the love when race has same player activity
  14. Are you surprised? SH is the only gamemode in mix with a skill ladder, NTS is 80% luck, RTF is pretty much race where only 1 guy can finish (stupid, like 3 should be allowed with 20sec after finish so its harder), DD has one but not nearly as involving, and lets not even talk about CTF, all playability depends on noobs ramming you fullspeed or not. My point is all gamemodes except, except SH and DD get boring over time.
  15. time to bump this bitch specs(shitty): CPU OC'd to 4.4ghz atm
  16. great design definetely
  17. Nope, and no way to really prove it unless I get it. Also most others with 1k+ hours have like 200+ gained form AFKing anyways which are just pointless imo. Its cause of the join date and hours.
  18. daily reminder to do wheelies with your BMWs
  19. IGN: intelzzz Map: [Race] promap extreme drift
  20. He is involved just by being staff himself. You are just proving his point by saying moderators have no say in this thread.
  21. its cause you're in fullscreen, next time press F12 while in MTA, and they'll be in <C:/Progfilesx86/MTA/screenshots>
  22. top notch "screenshots" sandy xd
  23. decently made video, but you could have aimed for a cleaner run to include
  24. Yeah, I'd mute spammers.
  25. Much thanks!
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