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Mr. Green Gaming


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kabooom last won the day on July 28 2015

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  1. BABES <3 1 year definitely for adam small pipi
  2. First and foremost, i was denied for admin indeed and don't really care about that. Second, yes you're indeed blinded by power and authority as stuff i say to you on a daily basis, you know.. Even before you got admin. Stuff that was normal in our routine of friendship and banter are now a reason to get threatened if i even mention it once in the server. It's always everyone else, we never look at our own mistakes. If i mention the word "fat" i get threatened of mute (i only mean it for fun as i don't know or care what you look like), but you can call someone a pedophile with admin commands so it pops up in big in everyone's screen and it's all good? Not to mention car explosions, slaps, etc. And who do you think you are to judge "immature behaviour" when you can't notice your own? Do i have to remind everyone how immature and offensive you were about a year ago with a user named "Rendiko", okay, he was immature and annoying, BUT, it never justified the amount of offensive slurs and bad language you spat out at him in caps all the time he logged in or was in the server. Also tell me, is it not immature when you are always making jokes about everyone else but when SOMEONE MAKES SOME JOKE ABOUT YOU, it's considered OFFENSIVE? I remember a few months ago being told by admins if someone offends you we will not mute them, use the block list and you will not see their messages again, now i ask, WHY IS IT ANY DIFFERENT FOR YOU? Don't like my jokes block me, don't threaten me during my game session and put me off it.These are remarks from playing once or twice a week. Edit: Yes "TheMoose" is right, i got threatened of a mute for this sentence "Are you blushing f1mad?", not by pm just on the main chat.
  3. Thank you very much
  4. Actually i'm from 1994, i'll be 21 in September And thanks everyone
  5. Thanks guys
  6. Gameserver: Race Mix MTA Age: 20 Country of origin: Portugal Link to Steam Community profile *: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056143545/home Minecraft name **: I don't play minecraft Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: I'm experienced in administrating servers due to SA-MP background, in which i barely played to maintain order in the server (ie: i spent more time looking for infractions and abusive players than actually playing), i'm what i'd say well known on Mix already with the majority of players knowing me and possess the english knowledge necessary to construct a phrase without help of google translate, i have free time on my hands considering i have no life at the time being due to being unemployed. This is something i had considered doing earlier but didn't do because i thought i lacked free time back then, thanks in advance whatever the outcome is, also i'd like to thank you for losing the time to read this
  7. Server: Mix Map: [sH] Ma Nigga Ma nigga Reason: Gets bought every two and a half seconds, overplayed, overly annoying having to play the same map over and over again.
  8. See what i mean? Is this the kind of user base you want on your server? lol
  9. Can confirm, was on the server in both moments, when he was banned and when he joined again 2 minutes later. Ban evading is a serious offense and as evident by his own post just a minute ago "im pro for 2 pc" and he's proud of his achievement. I hope justice is served as we don't need this kind of players on the server.
  10. good luck borz
  11. Good luck
  12. Good luck, you would be a great admin i'm sure of that!
  13. Too immature, too edgy and definitely too young. His age does reflect in his in game actions and overall behavior.
  14. Has absolutely no maturity nor the necessary english skills to be an admin, the first post is from google translate (LOL) and this player doesn't have admin worthy attitudes, quite the contrary.
  15. I don't know what's worse, if it is the absolutely ludicrous mute of two players that had nothing to do with the other guy other than being on the same clan or the fact that someone let that idiot (Oleg) into the clan, Oleg only flames other players and thinks he's a boss therefore he should be punished for it and it's a well deserved mute, but muting cock and f1mad is ridiculous.
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