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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Kniight

  1. It's not corrupt : You're doing it wrong.
  2. Get rid off the horrible colour correction you get as zombie lol. It hurts my eyes.
  3. Tl;dr You don't need a vmt to use it as a spray. You don't even need it in vtf. However if you did need a vmt. Just use vtf edit and make it auto-generate a vmt. You could then edit it to your liking. Something like: LightmappedGeneric { "$basetexture" "random crap\Errors crossword" "$translucent" "1" "$decal" "1" "$decalscale" "0.250" }
  4. Go to the nearest jail and stay there. There's bound to be weapons and it's already heavily fortified.
  5. Good job avoiding the question.
  6. Insulting someone that doesn't share the same opinion as you 8D
  7. Put it in materials/VGUI/logos.
  8. Shame nobody said that :K
  9. Oh okay. It just seemed like you insulted anyone that listens to pendulum. Personally, having seen them live i thought the atmosphere was great and had a really good time.
  10. The scene is here http://tv-links.cc/m.php?l=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5...m15dHNrWElSSS8= ~20 minutes in. EDIT: Or that vv
  11. Oh i see, so this is one of those. "I'm a better poser than you" competitions. XD
  12. lololol. So how do you listen to music on your PC if it's not "commercial"
  13. Great music, even more great live.
  14. On topic: Very well, if Error likes you then it's good enough for me. I take back my earlier comment. Off topic: It should be pointed out to you early, spamming topics will get you nowhere. In addition, this is not /b/.
  15. What is your problem I don't post much but I go on IW a lot. I don't even understand why that relevant if i post much or not. My point is that as a community, we learn to respect one another while we communicate etc. Seeing as the only image i have gained of you is through the forum, you're not making a very good impression.
  16. Based on your forum-grave-diggery. I don't think you would be a good admin.
  17. I saw them live this year and in 2006.
  18. I don't think you would make a good admin. No offense.
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