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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by bermbom

  1. I'm not sure what point you're trying to get at here..... hoping to encourage some creative thoughs and somehow get the server to the level it was a couple of months ago... I care about the state of wich it is in now It is Not a problem. The admins are busy atm. so maybe try to look for ppl who can function as mods. they must be in neutral factions and not preferably not pvp vs factions, otherwise they can abuse their powers offcourse.
  2. I realy would like to say one more time that its realy a shame this server's bleeding to its death. This was by far the best and most fun server i played on, an i know alot of my fellow server players think/thought the same way. I mean u guys have a realy good URL claimed for this server Minecraft.nl...i even think you can sell that for alot of cash personally So the name is not the issue. I understand THat u admins have it quite busy ATM, But then maybe consider hiring mods? I mean im sure there are some players who dont like the PVP anymore and for that reason are in Peacefull factions... Maybe take a look at those players? Also another issue that seems to be a problem is the hackers.. (and im talking about the gameplay ruining hackers like FF and fly etc....) Maybe u guys want to consider making x-ray\chat flooding a temp ban? like for instance one month... 2nd time u get caught then its permanent? Also what would attract more players is to make a 'spawn'. I mean the way the spawn is now, is very confusing for new players. So make the spawn area bigger? place some explanation signs on how this server works etc.... I know for a fact And 1 more very important issue : THE HORRIBLE (new) LAG, Ive encountered so many nigts lately with conditions so bad that they would force me to change to another server because PVP is almost impossible with such bad LAG. so thats that for my 2 (last) cents.
  3. bermbom

    live map

    On 'our' server live map we only have the option to view the world in a 2d flat view. But on other servers i used to play there was possibility to view the live map in an 'isometric' view, or how i used to call it : birdsview. Is there a reason it is not on our live map? just to make it clear : im happy the way the livemap works for me now, but i think this isometric view makes the map look better and also gives everyone more information on how to plan your route random area FLAT view same area as above ISOMETRIC view ISOMETRIC view
  4. bermbom


    Our faction is situated next to the public end. We moved our faction across the map just to do this. Reason : in our opinion The End should be open for everyone and not guarded by a bunch of primates (referring to the monkeys here). So we plan on staying here and hopefull eventually will be able to claim a piece of the monkeys, so we can remove the wall!! Once that piece on land is ours we will never build a wall there, and plan to stay there and keep it public (without having to use ender pearls). So join us in the fight! ally QUQUBUBU and our current allies we take Robin Hood as a lead example
  5. QuQuBuBu is also looking for new (active) recruits. We are allies with LRG, so u can still fight with ur friends And we are situated next to the public end. The only thing is : we probably are in different time zones.... send me a mssg if you would like to check it out.
  6. 2 maps ago i had sort of the same thing. changing the f home in to a air block 2 block above ground did fix that for us.
  7. If a whole faction is caught hacking, this would be an awesome thing to do before u do the ban
  8. Quqububu's Grief City 1 : in random order, ari010jaja, blood_stone01, mankefluit, bidzman123 and me (bermbom) 2 : x = 466 z = -550 3 : We have built an 'arena' wich was inspired by a whole lot of post-apocalyptic-genre movies and games. It is a small part of an abandoned city, where players are supposed to fight eachother in a FFA or Faction(s) vs Faction(s) battles. We also left alot of possible game modes open, because our main goal was to build a map. A map like you would use in COD or any other FPS shooter. So we built it so it can handle modes like ffa/team DM/defend obj/capture the flag(uranium). Offcourse when we started to brainstorm on this project, we came up with wild ideas. But most of them werent realistic. In a way that it needed constant maintentance (like chest filled with gear that have to be refilled after map use) Or ideas that needed mods to run that the server doesnt have at the moment. So thats why we chose these basic (possible) gamemodes. For the FFA mode players can enter the arena on 4 sides of the structure (N, E, S, W) via portals. Players can take their own items with them, and use it all except ender pearls. This will make the map realy small, because you can litterally throw yourself to the other side. So no ender pearls! Also the place is surrounded wih glass, so a cowardly escape would be easy with pearls. For the TeamDM mode players can enter the arena using 2 portals that are opposite of eachother. The rest is the same as in FFA : no ender pearls! For the defend obj mode players are supposed to fight in a 1:2 ratio. so 1 defending the uranium (in the chest in the reactor) and 2 try and steal it to throw it in the lava. this can be played in a 1:2 ratio, so you can also defend with 2 and attack with 4, or even 3 vs 6 etc... for the capture the flag mode players can try and take the other teams flag, to bring it home and bring home the victory. In the perfect situation, the flag places should be random (out of like 10 places) in a way that the whole map will be walked on eventually. So there is no actual flag yet. But the towers, and underground places are good spots for them. Screenshots top view road view Underground view Interior tower view big sign view another top view and finally a fly through video i captured with fraps, nothing fancy just to give you an idea on how it looks like. The moment im typing this the vid is still uploading, but i expect it to be ready before 23:59 Enjoy!
  9. Bermbom quqububu
  10. How is it possible for someone not from my faction being able to burn my wooden structures?? This happened 20 minutes ago by the player Xpr0legendX from the faction TheMonkeys. I saw him in my base (on the live-map), and immediately i started minecraft to check what he was doing there still (because we were sworn enemy's on faction wars. and there i saw him burning my wooden house, he got scared when i dropped in front of him and he logged instantly! i suspect a alt+f4 even. After that i was a second too late with Fraps :-( But still it left me wondering how this could be possible in claimed territory? After XprolegendX logged off he immediately logged back on as uiltje45 and started to claim my friends's base (theGodz) and these friends are also from my faction on the faction wars map (also sworn enemy's of xprolegendx) I know i dont have proof, i just want to warn players for (apparently) trusted players on the map that do weird stuff and are being able to grief in claimed territory.
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