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Mr. Green Gaming

Ok, Factions is no longer fun, we need something new


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Suggestions and ideas for the Minecraft server. Factions had its run, the formula is played out by now (we had it for nearly 20 world resets!). We need something fresh. I'd love to see a gamemode that promotes both survival, and building of interesting structures. PvP combat should be secondary, because Minecraft is terrible for PvP.

Links to Bukkit plugins are handy.

Posted (edited)

I remember, the enchanting tower & brewing cave. 


That was the things i liked in the older maps, because now

you can sit in your water cube, farm some xp and just max out your dia set of armour


There is no challenge.

also what about randomized events?

Like monster hunt, treasure hunt etc. etc.


Also you could have 2 big factions

who fight with each other, maybe, maybe

Edited by Megajosh11
Posted (edited)

How about a full build mode at the very beggining where everyone has got to build a city. Everyone has time at start to build their houses inside the perimeter of a city.

Colosseum will be there for people who want to PVP.

But the rest has to be built by other players.


Like, you are given some territory, ok?

Inside of it's perimeter you have to build a house. The better the house the more GC this person is awarded and the more space he's available to build on.


Other than that, the players will be able to exit territory to get resources to build their houses and other stuff.


This could be actually compatible with suggestion above. Those will be 2 huge factions with raids happening on each other from time to time.

The leaders of those factions will be server admins, say, 1 faction - Mathijs, another faction - Awesomeo.


But mostly it will be build.

The houses can be destroyed by other factions during the raids so these both factions will have to build like a huge wall around their city.

Something like that.


Each city will also have sort of a "citadel" where resources and goods are stored.

What those factions do is they protect those goods from the other faction while trying to steal from each other.


The /f home will be disabled during raids and every player that joins will be randomly assigned to a faction.


EDIT: Maybe it can also be possible for each of these factions to build small forts outside the city as control points with supplies?

Edited by Mr. Darkness

I like the idea of resource control. For example, there are three factions / towns at the start of the map. Every one is lead by a single player, who can appoint officers.


Every faction has a resource chest. This chest cannot be moved or destroyed. You have to put resources into it to keep your faction alive, such as food and money. By paying enough of a specific resource, you can claim more land and increase the size of your faction. If you don't provide enough food for your faction (it saps over time), you might lose land. There could be specific fetch quests for resources that give your faction bonuses such as damage resistance.


But yeah, these ideas require quite a lot of development time. Isn't there a plugin (or combination of plugins) that does this already?


I like the idea of the big factions, which have x-weeks to prepare themselves in peacefull mode and after the x-weeks the peacefull runs out, players can go raid other factions or factionlords can start big group events to attack other factions.


I don't think that there's a plugin or a combination that will do the job that you're looking for. The only 2 that can be handy for this could be factions or townie, but making it unclaim itself if food runs out etc doesn't excist yet.


http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/trade/ - trade plugin

http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/multiverse-core/ - make another world like build


http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/essentials/ - config that so diamondore will be alerted when mined by normal players(only admins can see) and over 70 commands for admins and default. http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Command_Reference

http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/factionsplus/ - if you want more then commands to factions( still need the faction plugin )


http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/combat-tag/ - i dont remember if it was anti pvplogg plugin.

Remove enchantlimiter and allow protection IV

I will edit when i find more plugins.

Posted (edited)

Trophy heads has been requested multiple times but is just useless and gets annoying after a while.

Multiple world isn't what we need either and a healthbar ruins pvp imo.

Edited by Mathijs1996

i heard of something called civcraft. Its for building civilazitions. I dont know much about it maybe you can do some research on this and see if its any good for this server.


Well, someone suggested the Towny plugin earlier. It's basically what you said Clavus- settlements without pvp that can be limited. You can give the permissions to start a "Town" to specific players. That player then can make a settlement and invite players. It's grief proof as well, as the town land is limited to the town's inhabitants. I also think you do something like /f owner in factions to owner of chunks. 


Basically 3-4 players would own towns, in which they would invite players to be a part of their settlement.


Now this will obviously uproot the player base, so I suggest to give it some time. 


Couldn't find it on bukkit, but they have their own website: http://palmergames.com/towny/


If something like this happens, without pvp or whatever, I'll be inclined to make stuff like this (been working on it in creative for awhile):





It'd be possible to use Factions as a base for anything custom. You can fork the code from GitHub and implement the features. Still, a lot of work :/
But man, I'm liking my resource idea more and more.
Let's go over the design ideas:

  • Factions can only be created by a few appointed players (which we would determine before map reset). These leaders invite other players, can appoint officers (that can do some of the administration and claiming), and lead the whole joint. Normal members can only build in appointed chunks.
  • The faction leader could appoint "missions" for the faction (such as "build a town hall", "build a wall", "gather x things"). These are purely to make faction members act in a more coherent way.
  • Each faction will be build around a set of chests, these are your faction resource chests.
  • Resource chests come in the variants faction upkeep and faction quest.
  • The faction upkeep chest is at the core of it all. You need to keep this filled with food, water and other specific items it asks for. Every x minutes the server 'consumers' the contents it asked for (for example '10 bread, 5 buckets of water, 50 coal'). If it cannot find all the required resources, it'll apply a negative effect to the whole faction.
  • These faction effects can be both positive and negative. Each of them last a limited amount of time. Think of effects like "all faction members take 200% damage from others", "all faction members now heal faster", things like that.
  • The faction quest chest also asks for resources (or specific deeds), but doesn't require these in a timely manner. For example, it could ask for "20 diamonds". When you deliver these you get a reward. This could be another item or a positive faction effect.
  • PvP wouldn't be as important, but sometimes stealing resources or factions quests can require the sacrifice of a fellow human... (another idea: resources could drain faster from your faction chest if your members are getting killed a lot)

So what would this all mean? Well first off:

  • There is a constant ongoing need for upkeep and resource gathering for the the faction.
  • There are separate quests for people to entertain themselves with, and which can benefit their entire faction.
  • Trading would become more important to meet your upkeep quota.

I think it's a great idea. Problems: lot of development time needed. Lot of balancing needed (upkeep costs needed with amount of players online).

  On 7/7/2013 at 7:01 PM, Clavus said:
It'd be possible to use Factions as a base for anything custom. You can fork the code from GitHub and implement the features. Still, a lot of work :/


But man, I'm liking my resource idea more and more.


Let's go over the design ideas:

  • Factions can only be created by a few appointed players (which we would determine before map reset). These leaders invite other players, can appoint officers (that can do some of the administration and claiming), and lead the whole joint. Normal members can only build in appointed chunks.
  • The faction leader could appoint "missions" for the faction (such as "build a town hall", "build a wall", "gather x things"). These are purely to make faction members act in a more coherent way.
  • Each faction will be build around a set of chests, these are your faction resource chests.
  • Resource chests come in the variants faction upkeep and faction quest.
  • The faction upkeep chest is at the core of it all. You need to keep this filled with food, water and other specific items it asks for. Every x minutes the server 'consumers' the contents it asked for (for example '10 bread, 5 buckets of water, 50 coal'). If it cannot find all the required resources, it'll apply a negative effect to the whole faction.
  • These faction effects can be both positive and negative. Each of them last a limited amount of time. Think of effects like "all faction members take 200% damage from others", "all faction members now heal faster", things like that.
  • The faction quest chest also asks for resources (or specific deeds), but doesn't require these in a timely manner. For example, it could ask for "20 diamonds". When you deliver these you get a reward. This could be another item or a positive faction effect.
  • PvP wouldn't be as important, but sometimes stealing resources or factions quests can require the sacrifice of a fellow human... (another idea: resources could drain faster from your faction chest if your members are getting killed a lot)

So what would this all mean? Well first off:

  • There is a constant ongoing need for upkeep and resource gathering for the the faction.
  • There are separate quests for people to entertain themselves with, and which can benefit their entire faction.
  • Trading would become more important to meet your upkeep quota.

I think it's a great idea. Problems: lot of development time needed. Lot of balancing needed (upkeep costs needed with amount of players online).

I think this is a really nice idea, and a good way of organising the hordes of 12 year olds. But steering away from PvP would be a risky move considering that the majority, if not all, of the player base are regularly playing purely to PvP and raid. This change would mean that the player base will likely diminish and a new player base will have to be found. Unfortunately, i dont think this system could work with less than say 20 or 25 people on average constantly on. Personally i would try to incorporate more PvP aspects into the system and keep the gameplay focused towards PvP to hopefully maintain the current player base.


I have an idea!

remove enchant limiter so we can enchant prot IV and map reset. We always start playing again on map reset. Vikings will rise again!




-Reynir999, Krummi, arnlaugur1, kottur, sveinnv333, mundi95, Ryksugan, sigurdurv333, kottur, harvizzz, arnarmaster, addi22, mcclaren, Galdrakallinn, arnar99, elvarjens and more! (ICELANDC TEAM)


more than 16 players will start playing the server when map reset. 

See ya then

Posted (edited)
  On 7/7/2013 at 7:01 PM, Clavus said:
It'd be possible to use Factions as a base for anything custom. You can fork the code from GitHub and implement the features. Still, a lot of work :/


But man, I'm liking my resource idea more and more.


Let's go over the design ideas:

  • Factions can only be created by a few appointed players (which we would determine before map reset). These leaders invite other players, can appoint officers (that can do some of the administration and claiming), and lead the whole joint. Normal members can only build in appointed chunks.
  • The faction leader could appoint "missions" for the faction (such as "build a town hall", "build a wall", "gather x things"). These are purely to make faction members act in a more coherent way.
  • Each faction will be build around a set of chests, these are your faction resource chests.
  • Resource chests come in the variants faction upkeep and faction quest.
  • The faction upkeep chest is at the core of it all. You need to keep this filled with food, water and other specific items it asks for. Every x minutes the server 'consumers' the contents it asked for (for example '10 bread, 5 buckets of water, 50 coal'). If it cannot find all the required resources, it'll apply a negative effect to the whole faction.
  • These faction effects can be both positive and negative. Each of them last a limited amount of time. Think of effects like "all faction members take 200% damage from others", "all faction members now heal faster", things like that.
  • The faction quest chest also asks for resources (or specific deeds), but doesn't require these in a timely manner. For example, it could ask for "20 diamonds". When you deliver these you get a reward. This could be another item or a positive faction effect.
  • PvP wouldn't be as important, but sometimes stealing resources or factions quests can require the sacrifice of a fellow human... (another idea: resources could drain faster from your faction chest if your members are getting killed a lot)

So what would this all mean? Well first off:

  • There is a constant ongoing need for upkeep and resource gathering for the the faction.
  • There are separate quests for people to entertain themselves with, and which can benefit their entire faction.
  • Trading would become more important to meet your upkeep quota.

I think it's a great idea. Problems: lot of development time needed. Lot of balancing needed (upkeep costs needed with amount of players online).

Oh hell no, Pvp is an important thing about this server.

Also I dont want to come in a team with all nooby 12 year kids I dont like. Maybe Sign up on the L4G and then make even teams with friends or something (just a suggestion)


And I do agree: Factions is getting boring

Edited by xDerpina
Posted (edited)

Working off your idea:


I've used Towny a fair amount, and for larger-scale affairs it really is miles better than Factions. It has the ability to create nations - a collection of towns with a capital city, controlled by a single person and their assistants. Nations can recruit other towns, and wage wars against other nations.


It works well with economy - something the server's never had but would need - in that you can set a daily tax, linked to the size of the town. To establish an economy, you could use the chest shop plugin, set up stores at spawn that buy resources for cash and then each town would need to gather resources to make money and keep their town alive. Any town that doesn't meet their tax will have their land unclaimed, and free to be pillaged. You can also configure it to cost money to create a town, and to claim plots, meaning newer players can't spam claim without first mining a bunch of resources to do so.


At the start of the map, 3 nations are created by trusted players. These players can then recruit any town into their nation. This way, new players and friends can create their own city and bases whilst being part of a larger objective. Nations take a small tax off each town. The nation leader can use this extra cash to strengthen his town, recruiting the newer players, or they could pay other towns for aid in building, war, etc. In return for the tax, the joining town is offered protection and alliance - any towns that don't want to join a nation will be an easy target.


I think it'd be really cool with the new minecraft update. Especially if you can create a custom map where there are three large islands with mixed biomes seperated by ocean. At spawn there can be three teleporters.


Perhaps each nation could have a particular strength and weakness? Perhaps a lower town tax, but higher land claim price for smaller focussed nations. Perhaps each nation could have a separate resource in their capital to generate money. (ie. one nation has the ability to sell iron and cobble, the other sells stone and coal). This could generate an economy by encouraging each nation to trade their resources with each other, or creating slightly richer empires that focus on trade rather than combat. 

Alternatively, you could try a modpack like Feed The Beast - though it's resource hungry, it's popular. Combat is reshuffled thanks to new armour and weapons and there's plenty more stuff to do.


I still think the factions formula is a good thing. Perhaps an entirely vanilla, no rules approach would help? Just a vanilla server with factions. Or, it could go the other way and brand as a hardcore factions server wherein all potions and  weapon/armour enchantments are gone. I'd be interested to see how both pan out. 

I feel the latter would be the most enjoyable, but would require some focussed advertising. Sticking to one vote site that best reflects the audience we want, and rewarding the votes appropriately. On the vote/forum pages it would need to blatantly explain its tool enchants only, no potions. People will either love it or hate it.

Edited by awesomeo_5000

Love the idea, awesomeo, but I remember Clavus saying that he didn't want an economy somewhere. I'm sure it can be disabled in the towny config or with some custom coding.

Maybe the money could be replaced with actual resources, ie. Paying 15 diamonds a week in replacement for membership in a nation.

This makes me really excited for what's coming up. I imagine three nations with multiple cities across the map, duking it out for control of resources and land.


Any version of the above suggestions has me as gitty 16 year old girl the night of her junior prom. I used to be EXTREMELY active on l4g. I used to build super structures for LRG, and made them the legendary power house we remember. But for a long time, there has been no place for building anything other than water cubes. I would be thrilled to construct an empire (not lead, I have had enough of dealing with 12 yo scrubs)!!! You wouldn't believe some of the things I have made on other servers!! I am getting out the pen and paper, time to start the schematics. 

  • 1 year later...

This nations idea sounds good. Maybe when people log onto the server it randomly places them in a nation. They can't leave and join another to stop the griefing. Maybe have 3 weeks of building/ gathering and 1 week of raiding the other nations. Possibly having a nation in each of the biomes (sand, forest, snow etc). If it's going to be nations and certain people are going to "lead" maybe have some sort of election system incase a leader is inactive, a bad leader or just plain ignoring people. 


This thread should be ignored, since it's over a year old ;). It's only here because of the outdated backup.

Though in the longterm, looking at something like this for factions :)


People joined this server becuase it's a HardCore server, I don't really think people like it when something changes like ''no pvp''? Nah, that's not smart; players will leave but of course, there will be new players but you have to make something where more people join then leave.


I like the enchantment tower ( lvl 1-8 ) and the Brewing cave, it's a suggestion for the next map; you can always try it and if there are to many dislike's you can still change it, right?

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