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Location of Mappers - Help/scripts/tools/resources/mods/tutorial


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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, NITROX said:

Now you can't use this script on the server MiXX :/

U can still use that text, only Binded likes are not allowed,  /like or  /dislike  is allowed only

Edited by Flipper
Posted (edited)
~ > > How to change the color of the sky and water < < ~
1º - Download the file:
2º - Extract the file "SkyWater.lua" inside the folder of your map
3º - Open the "meta.xml" file of your map and add the line:

    <script src="SkyWater.lua" type="client" />

4º - Open the file "SkyWater.lua" and inside it you will see two lines: "setWaterColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 )" and "setSkyGradient( 255, 255 ,  255, 255, 255, 255)"

5º - To change the color of the sky you should go to the line "setSkyGradient( 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255)" and change the numbers between parentheses ( 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255):
If you prefer, you should use the HTML color generator to help you in this step, I recommend this site

6º - After choosing your colors, just put them between the parentheses respecting each location:


7º - Do a test on your map and see the result:
8º - To change the color of the wateryou should go to the line "setWaterColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 )" and change the numbers between parentheses( 255, 255, 255, 255 ):



If you prefer, you should use the HTML color generator to help you in this step, I recommend this site

9º - After choosing your colors, just put them between the parentheses respecting each location:





10º - To make the water more transparent, you just go in "(0, 150, 200, 255)" and decrease the transparency by placing the number 200 or 150 or 100 or 50 in place of "255":
11º - Do a test on your map and see the result:

12º - Now see how did end result of our tutorial:






Now, it's just you do the biggest and best MTA races of all time





Edited by NITROX
Posted (edited)
On 07/09/2016 at 3:19 PM, NITROX said:
~ > > How to change the color of the sky and water < < ~

Mt bomm

Pena que já não faço mais mapas kkkkk 
As vezes da saudade!! 




Edited by viiNi
  • MoshPit pinned this topic
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)
~>> CIncrease your FPS with using Task Manager <<~


This is a very simple and quick tip that many players know, but it never hurts to teach those who don't know, this is to increase the priority of a program through the task manager ( before and after images are at the bottom of this post ) works with several games, I'll use the MTA SA, and Windows 10 Pro for test


1º - Open the Tesk Manager >> CTRL + SHIFT + ESC:






2º - Go to the game you want to increase the FPS, it must be running (in this case will be the GTA_SA. EXE)


3º - Click on the GTA_SE. Exe with the right mouse button and then click on "Go to details"






4º - You will be taken to the tab "details"


5º - Now you must click on GTA_SA. Exe with the right button of your mouse, then you must click "set priority", and then you must select the option "high"






6º - A message appears saying "want to change priority of ' gta_se.exe '?", and you must click on "Change Priority"


7º - A message appears saying "want to change priority of ' gta_se.exe '?", and you must click on "Change Priority"


8º - This will make your computer stay focused on process the gta_sa.exe









#merry christmas 


Edited by NITROX
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
~>> make maps with other players using the hamachi <<~


in this post you had learned to how to allow other players to connect to your server for make maps using the hamachi


1º - You need to download hamachi:


Hamachi Click Here ~>> Hamachi.msi

Notepad++ Click Here ~>> Notepad++


2º - After finished downloading, install hamachi and notepad++ on your pc, start the hamachi and login


3º - Now click with the right mouse button on top of the ip address that the hamachi will offer you and then click on "copy IPv4 address"






4º - Now go to the folder "deathmatch" of your MTA "C:\Program Files(x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.5\ server\mods\deathmatch" and look for the "mtaserver.conf" and open it using notepad ++






5º - Now look where it says "<serverip>auto</serverip>", now where it says "auto" paste the "IPv4 address" that you copied from hamachi and click on the little blue box at the top to save your changes








6° - Open the file "acl.xml" using Notepad++




7º - Search for a group "<group name="Admin">"




8º - In the last line of the Admin Group hit enter and insert the following line:

        <object name="user.Admin"></object>



8.1° - and where it says "Admin" place your UserName, for example

        <object name="user.12345"></object>




9º - After you have made your changes, click on the little blue box at the top to save your changes


10º - After having done all that, go to the directory "server" of your MTA "C:\Program Files (x 86) \MTA San Andreas 1.5\ server" and start the "MTA Server.exe"






11º -  A small dark screen will open on your computer, leave it running, because it is responsible for making the server running on your computer






12º - On this screen the server will start to be loaded, this may take a maximum of 5 minutes, when written "Querying MTA master server ... success!" then the be server ready






13º - Now open your MTA and go to the tab "Local" and be it the server, now in between him and wait until all files are loaded






14º - When you're inside the server, press "T" and type /register and then place the username that you wrote in the acl.xml and then put an easy-to-remember password:


EXAMPLE: /register 12345 ELECTRO


Appeared a message saying "You have successfully registered! Username: 'xxxxx', Password: ' xxxxxxx ' (Remember it)"






15º - Now click on the button "T" and type /login and then your user name and your password that you just registered: 

EXAMPLE: /login 12345 ELECTRO


A message will appear saying "Press 'p' to open your admin panel" and "login: You successfully logged in"





15.1° - After having done all this procedure, type /start editor in the chat on your server



16º - Now to your friends to connect to your server, you must go on hamachi and click on "network" and then "Create new network..."




17º- When you create a network you should create a "ID" a "password" and then you must "Confirm password"


18º- For your friends to connect to your network, they must have hamachi installed on the pc, they should go on hamachi and click on "network" and then "join existing network..." they should use the network id and password that you used to create the network







19º- If everything is correct, the user name will appear in your network on hamachi, now just send the ip of your server so that they enter using the MTA






17º- If your friends are not starting to connect to your server simply you close the "MTA Server.exe" and then open it again


If you are missing any information, let me know that I update the post, thank you o/


#merry christmas 




Edited by NITROX
Fix image x²
  • 4 weeks later...
4 hours ago, viiNi said:

eu fazia sem hamachi, era bom tbm, mt bem explicado @NITROX

Essa é a unica maneira que eu conheço, se você puder me ensinar como faz sem usar o hamachi, eu agradeço demais :D

18 hours ago, NITROX said:

Essa é a unica maneira que eu conheço, se você puder me ensinar como faz sem usar o hamachi, eu agradeço demais :D

10. How to create a local server to test your maps viiNi pg. 2

O mesmo desse,tem que criar um ip dinâmico ai é so abrir as portas do modem, passa o IP pro teu colega e ele entra de boa,  aparece na lista de servers depois de algumas horas! 

10 hours ago, viiNi said:

10. How to create a local server to test your maps viiNi pg. 2

O mesmo desse,tem que criar um ip dinâmico ai é so abrir as portas do modem, passa o IP pro teu colega e ele entra de boa,  aparece na lista de servers depois de algumas horas! 

ja tentei fazer isso

mas parece que meu modem é blockeado para isso


1 minute ago, NITROX said:

Eu ate tentei alguns metoodos, mas não nada deu certo, por isso optei pelo hamachi

não funciona . eu sei ... ja fiz nem deu . eu so te dei reputação por ter dado uma iniciativa. e por dó kkkkkkkk

3 minutes ago, brasileiro said:

não funciona . eu sei ... ja fiz nem deu . eu so te dei reputação por ter dado uma iniciativa. e por dó kkkkkkkk

oque não funciona ?

1 minute ago, brasileiro said:

esse negocio de aumenta ping

Oque ???? Esse tutorial com hamachi foi feito para ajudar mappeadores a criar um servidor de mta local no seu pc e com objetivo de poder fazer mapas com amigos, nao tem nada a ver com ping :P

1 hour ago, NITROX said:

Oque ???? Esse tutorial com hamachi foi feito para ajudar mappeadores a criar um servidor de mta local no seu pc e com objetivo de poder fazer mapas com amigos, nao tem nada a ver com ping :P

kkkkkkkkkk, fiquei com dó de vc agora @brasileiro

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