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Hi! :lol:

Today, I got bored. I screwed around in Hammer with explosions, and thought of something rather, well, interesting.

I thought of...


Well, not instantly that name, but if you translate it, it means: "Stealing".

To keep things short, I've made a wiki page *on the Mr-Green wiki ofcourse*, and I want to share it with you. I don't want to post this on Mr-Green, they either have:

- No interest

- No idea what the hell I'm talking about

- Not serious

So I thought, why not post it here instead!

Here is the wiki page: http://wiki.left4green.com/wiki/Rubare!

And this is the article itself:


Rubare! is a new gametype in development, made by Botervloot. Rubare! means "Stealing" in Italian.

The concept is quite simple:

Red has to:

Defend the intel

Kill all Blu

Blu has to:

Capture the intel

Kill all Red

Red has:

A base, where it has 30 seconds to set up defences.

1 life. Dead is dead.

Visibility on what Blu is doing.

Blu has:

Open area.

A bomb, in which they will blow a hole in the building, in which the intel is.

2 lives. Then dead is dead.

Element of suprise.


Red has a single base, that they have to defend. The first 30 seconds, both sides cannot attack eachother. It's more about getting ready for the fight itself. Red has cameras outside the facility, that will keep watch on Blu's movements. The thing is, it's not that easy.

Blu can choose of one of 3 bombs, that it will ride to the enemy. You have to hit the switch near the bomb, to make it go. If they don't do this within 30 seconds, it will be randomly chosen, even suprising them, and the bomb will slowly move to the small base, in around 6 seconds. There will be a countdown. The bomb will blow a hole in the wall, and therefor create 1 entrance to the intel.

You can only choose 1 bomb each round. This game is fast, and you can run out of lives in no-time.


Engineers. They can all go engie, at a single entrance, and then hope that they will come through that entrance.

(possible) Solution: Make the map so that they can't build close to the entrance, and make the map balanced for all classes.

Dickheads. They randomly choose a bomb, without disscussing what's best.

(possible) Solution:

Make "Anti-Dickhead" system.

Make "Disscussion room" that opens in a 10 second delay.

[edit] Rules (so far)

2 min round.

30 (40) second spawn.

16 players. (32 is a bit croweded, and very messy.)

Tell me what you think about it, ideas, suggestions, questions and comments are all very welcome!

Edited by Botervloot
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I think it's quite a good idea :) ,sounds nice "on paper",but how will you make wall destructables?You say when the bomb blows it makes some hole into the wall, but is it with a script or...?

But generally, yeah, why not, it changes of arena/ct/cp ;)

I've first tested it with brush based. But it sucked:

- Laggy, even when not triggered

- Hard to make

- Boring to make

- Lots of room for mistakes.

Though it did work.

I think it's going to be Blender, making the explosion like PL. Would be some work, I was also thinking about a bomb "cart":

A Toy racing car with dynamite on it :V

Edited by Botervloot
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Nice concept, very nice... but it would be nicer if we had that Plane Attack gamemode, improvised. (you know, the one with lots of players with small fight jets that can shoot bullets ..that's fun , especially with upgrades/lots of players online ! )

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Nice concept, very nice... but it would be nicer if we had that Plane Attack gamemode, improvised. (you know, the one with lots of players with small fight jets that can shoot bullets ..that's fun , especially with upgrades/lots of players online ! )

I do belive that the plane attack thing was already made. Or atleast the same concept.

I don't think Source is really made for plane attacks, you will have to write lots of lua code. And personally, I think this would fit more in Gmod.

But to get this working in TF2, you'll need a plugin probably.


It worked fine in Tf2. If you mean menu thing *like in PL, that bar where you can see how far the cart has gone* then yea.

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Seems great, actually, sounds way too great to actually be made how you picture it. I think some ideas have to be scrapped, like the cameras, and the "bomb blows up entrance" thing. I'm not good with Hammer so I don't know if it may be possible, but it also has to work good.

The ideas about the teams are fun but maybe a bit too unbalanced. When it's 16 VS 16, Blu won't have a hard time destroying the whole Red base, especially since when a Red person gets killed, he doesn't respawn, making the defense smaller. Then they have all time of the world to get the intel and go see a movie, while the red team is sadly spectating them.

And when it's 4 vs 4 or less, it will still be easy for the Blu team.

Anyway, Rubare would still be fun, but it will be:

"- Hard to make

- Boring to make"

So... are you up to it? It will be very hard and very dangerous. There's no turning back once you started. A long hard path with no return. :ninja:

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Seems great, actually, sounds way too great to actually be made how you picture it. I think some ideas have to be scrapped, like the cameras, and the "bomb blows up entrance" thing. I'm not good with Hammer so I don't know if it may be possible, but it also has to work good.

The ideas about the teams are fun but maybe a bit too unbalanced. When it's 16 VS 16, Blu won't have a hard time destroying the whole Red base, especially since when a Red person gets killed, he doesn't respawn, making the defense smaller. Then they have all time of the world to get the intel and go see a movie, while the red team is sadly spectating them.

And when it's 4 vs 4 or less, it will still be easy for the Blu team.

Anyway, Rubare would still be fun, but it will be:

"- Hard to make

- Boring to make"

So... are you up to it? It will be very hard and very dangerous. There's no turning back once you started. A long hard path with no return. :ninja:


Well, the maps I was thinking, should be quite small. 16 and 16 are big numbers. It's more "Covert". So attacking little bunkers, small part of a big base ect. It will get too crowded if you increase the numbers. And it's Red VS Blue. Red has to defend. Blue has to attack. All the time. No switching.

And good point on the red idea. But they do have the advantage of cover. The blues will be almost in the open.

And the cameras provide intel on where the blue team is breaking through, that's why there are cameras.

Maybe I can get a simple design ready in hammer, to show you what I was thinking.

And that's why I said 16 players. 8 VS 8 is good. 16 vs 16 is massive. Too crowded, and hard to even it out. I could make it one life both, but then I have to think of something else, because then Blue is in a disadvantage.

Edited by Botervloot
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