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Mr. Green Gaming

Stuck at desktop while booting

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Posted (edited)

Hi there, well yesterday I told some of you (on the shoutbox)that I got a problem with my PC but I couldn't explain it well because I wasn't on my pc.Now I'm in and I took a few screenshots to illustrate my problem:

When I boot my pc, I arrive at login screen,I log, it's ok.

I arrive on my desktop, MSN displays (it shows me the login screen when I start, normal.) and normally, before my bug, I had a blue window which appeared, a kind of advertissement for a Creative Sound Blaster MB card, it asks me to register a key,but I don't have it.. I used to click on cancel because I don't have that Creative soundcard on my computer (this is weird, I have this window but not the card Oo )

So here is that window (in french sorry, but you will understand I think):


For a few weeks, when the desktop appears, if I want to click on something, to launch IE, or whatever I want to launch, it just stucks until that blue window appears. By stuck I mean I can't start anything, it's blocked until the window appears here, I can move the cursor but it has the blue circle (loading one). So naturally I guessed it was that blue window, but I hesitate to delete it.

Now each time I boot the pc, after login screen I just leave the comp for a few minutes, doing something else while waiting, to avoid blocking my pc.

Now look at my sound devices/stuff, I don't see any Creative product, my sound card is called "Mixage Stéréo" (Stereo Mix), maybe if you know a way to know the soundcard's brand tell me, here is a screen:


And now, look at my program list, there are 2 Creative programs, but I hesitate to delete them, because if my sound card is really a Creative one (which will be weird because I do'nt have any key to give,in that blue window) then I won't be able to record any music or sound with Audacity, or just record videos(with the sound please!) and I will probably have to do a system restoration, I don't want to do it :/

Screen: progs.png

Please help me, I'm just sick of always having a problem with my pc, I need to know what to do with that one, deleting the Creative apps or...??? I don't even know what is my soundcard's brand.

EDIT: I tried to stop the Creative launch at computer's start,u sing "easy cleaner" but it doesn't works, I have a bug message :/

Edited by Chikennugget1

Just de-install those Creative programs. I don't think it should mess up your audio card drivers. If it does, drivers are free to download.

Tried googling your problem?

Posted (edited)

Installing a new sound card driver would help. Like clavus said. . Go Start --> typ dxdiag. At the menu sound you can see more informations about your sound card.

Edited by car-pile-up
  On 10/21/2009 at 4:38 PM, car-pile-up said:

Before you remove: Check out in your device manager which sound card you have. If its says Realtek then remove the crap creative driver.



Look at the picture he posted:


Clear enough, don't you think?

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