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Mr. Green Gaming



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Hello Guys,

My Name is Florian and i have some questions about the MR. Green Race Server on MTA San Andreas.

1. How can i become GreenCoins ? [i know that i can donate to become some]

2. What Can i do with GreenCoins ?

3. Can i contact a Admin via E-Mail ?

4. How can i do VOTEMAP or VOTEKICK players ? [/votekick and /votemap dont work]

Thank you for your Help Guys :)

Your Florian.

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1. How can i become GreenCoins ? [i know that i can donate to become some]

You get GreenCoins for finishing as 1st, 2nd or 3rd. And for setting new toptimes. Make sure you've logged in at the server.

2. What Can i do with GreenCoins ?

There's a ingame shop with some features like changing your player model/skin.

3. Can i contact a Admin via E-Mail ?

[email protected]

4. How can i do VOTEMAP or VOTEKICK players ? [/votekick and /votemap dont work]

We don't have voting enabled. Except for the end-map vote.

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Hello there and welcome to the community :)

The greencoins are necessary for buying items in Mr. Green tf2 servers, gmod servers and some features in mta that i dont have any idea about.

You can contact admins through IRC. To enter it you need to press the "Chat" bar unser the banner.


Anyways. On forums you can find some users colored in blue. Those are admins, those fags can sometimes control 2 games :V. The purple ones - are moderators, which all servers.. the red are top crew (top admins). kinda all :V

Oh, and greens are advanced members... Or sort of.

Also. Practise your english. Become =/= gain.

Edited by Mr.Darkness
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