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mr.dogshit's Maps

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all 3 uplaoded

very nice maps

btw the jump map had a very buggy script, however due to the awesomeness of your idea, I fixed it for you

Hey thanks Bin :)

BTW, just out of interest what was buggy about the script?... was it the velocity trigonometry bit?... I just remembered I WAS going to change it to the vehicles speed (which I assume can be done) but forgot.

Can't wait to see how they play on the server!


The problem is that you don't know the difference between clientside and serverside

You had a boolean variable that was supposed to change for each player individually, which serversidely it'll require a table of boolean values

so instead of ok = true for eg, your script had to be ok[player] = true

Posted (edited)

I've updated jump.lua to include the 2 key which tictoc tells me will work with game controllers... I've also changed the .txd to reflect this.

I also changed all the instances of ok = true to ok[player] = true - but it wouldn't work when I tested it!?
Have I done it wrong? or is it because it needs to be run by a server?! If you could check jump.lua quickly that would be ace!




Edited by mr.dogshit
  • 1 year later...

reup of omgwtfbbq


I found the issue so it should, SHOULD, be working now


I had

triggerClientEvent ( "hitmarker", getRootElement(),1)

instead of


triggerClientEvent ( player, "hitmarker", getRootElement(),1)

In ther server side script... so every time any player hit a pickup marker it was triggering the clientside script for everyone... which meant certain variables were changed meaning some graphics stayed on the screen because the guiSetVisible commands never got called (because they relied on the variables)



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