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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posted (edited)

Hello everyone, I create this new thread to suggest some things, or simply have opinions.

On the server, there are excellents races, and others look less like racing.

At about, 4 maps of 5.

I mean the, maps that resemble the "parkour" maps as fantomicanyoshi know them, I respect totally, but I do not see it as racing itself, but I understand that people can enjoy this . but I prefer fast skill racing map.

Therefore I request / offer to either create a 2nd server and it clearly separates these two kinds of maps.

A server "pure racing" and Another more "fun". So I know what answers I will got, "there are plenty of others races servers"

Yes but there are races like on mr.green exists only on mrgreen.I dont wnat to leave green .I want to continue to compete with ema, arx, tic & others ^^

So I ask (if I'm not alone in thinking this way, :P ) that a test is done, if it costs nothing of course.

I played for years, games like trackmania and all sorts of games cars, and I do not get me saying this, but mta is by far the best racing games I've ever played , So do not tell me it's a racing game "fun" because I took my pleasure as much as a gran turismo, if not more, is so intense.

it would also reduce the number of slots, and therefore reduce the lag

(Alright , bike maps would go on the side "fun"lol)

I hope I made myself understood properly, despite googletranslafuck. And I especially hope that I am not alone in thinking this.

Cordially :)

Edited by pondfiller

Good idea, although I think the server with only 'fun' maps is gonna fail. I won't like playing there. The 'fun' maps are only fun when there are serious races around as well. Diversity is the key.

I understand many players who want fast-racing maps get annoyed by so many weird maps. They will certainly like this idea.

Posted (edited)

It is true that diversity makes the game fun, but weird maps come too often and it sucks.

Or, create a server race, with ~ 15 slots, but pointed to a selection of maps of the more serious racing, and keep the old server as is.

So it was just an idea to cross my mind.

to propose ideas, there has one that will appeal after a while. =p

Long live Mr. Green

Edited by pondfiller

I dont perosnally like if there would be only seriuos race maps all the time, its fun when there are fun maps too.

But yeah this might be a good idea, but not sure what will the TopCrew say about this...


I don't think it's a good idea. The fun maps are often liked by everyone but the pro's. IMO a map with only fun maps would eventually get boring, and a server with only pro maps will get boring as wel, so a mix betweem them is the best sollution.

But I'm sure, if you donate enough money, the topcrew would consider a 2nd server with only pro races, and leave the other server for what it is now.

And with enough money, I mean A LOT of money :yeah:


You need to taste what is bad to know what tastes good

:D So true.

What makes the MTA server fun is the mix of maps as well as the people who play here. You do propose a good idea pond, but I believe another server would not be filled as much and would probably be empty at times.

There is a rating system, so I propose at the very least to delete maps with a rating of 2 and below, maybe even 3 and below?

Posted (edited)

There is a rating system, so I propose at the very least to delete maps with a rating of 2 and below, maybe even 3 and below?

it would be a good start =D

Edited by pondfiller

There is a rating system, so I propose at the very least to delete maps with a rating of 2 and below, maybe even 3 and below?

That would be so nice. There are too many crappy maps that make people leave (along with me) and are just frustrating to play.


There is a rating system, so I propose at the very least to delete maps with a rating of 2 and below, maybe even 3 and below?

That would be so nice. There are too many crappy maps that make people leave (along with me) and are just frustrating to play.

I don't think you can just delete those maps. Because even when the map contains a small bug or is a bit skilled everybody just rates 0, but when its good only a couple of people rate it a good number. For example I have driven a map that was in my eyes a 7 or 8, but a lot of people rated it 0 because they can't drive or are to stupid to understand it..


It should only registered members can vote, it could prevent Guest533 have access to voting

That would also ensure more registered people which would be a positive thing for Mr. Green's.


That's weird. Everybody should be allowed to rate for the sake of it..

Seriously, there's no map in the server that would require total deletion..

You guys are complaining too much


There is a rating system, so I propose at the very least to delete maps with a rating of 2 and below, maybe even 3 and below?

That would be so nice. There are too many crappy maps that make people leave (along with me) and are just frustrating to play.

I don't think you can just delete those maps. Because even when the map contains a small bug or is a bit skilled everybody just rates 0, but when its good only a couple of people rate it a good number. For example I have driven a map that was in my eyes a 7 or 8, but a lot of people rated it 0 because they can't drive or are to stupid to understand it..

I think you're wrong.

1 - If the map is bugged it should be deleted. No excuses.

2 - Just because you enjoy a map doesn't mean everybody else does. If other people want to vote 0, tough shit - that's democracy.

Otherwise, what's the point of the rating system?


it is not reliable to delete based on rating..

why do I get the impression that's because some of your maps are < 2?

i've made my point

u can annoy someone else if u got nothing better to do


it is not reliable to delete based on rating..

why do I get the impression that's because some of your maps are < 2?

i've made my point

u can annoy someone else if u got nothing better to do

In other words, I'm right.


Guys, if all maps rated bad would be deleted, there would be almost nothing left.

There are only a few maps that have a rating above 8, and those are the really good maps.

And players are like computers. They only know "1", "0", and "10" and they never rate any other numbers.


Yeah this idea is pretty unfeasible and kind of dumb. Most people like to play a variety of maps. Nobody wants to play fun maps all the time. Plus having maps like those integrated can help the flow of the races. I agree there are sometimes too many, or maps that are just poorly made, but the solution isn't to just take them all out. Also, not all maps clearly fall into either "fast racing" or "fun" categories. It would be impossible to sort even if it was a good idea. Ratings don't distinguish between those categories - in fact the ratings are usually pretty random. I think the solution is to just add more pure racing maps, in which case get making.

Or tweaking the voting system could help. imo we should bring back the voting system for maps where you can choose maps, but only have two maps or play again to choose from (but you can see the rating obviously). but thats mostly a different topic.


And players are like computers. They only know "1", "0", and "10" and they never rate any other numbers.

That is also what I meant and mr.dogshit(I gotta say he picked the right name..) doesn't seems to understand

Posted (edited)

And players are like computers. They only know "1", "0", and "10" and they never rate any other numbers.

That is also what I meant and mr.dogshit(I gotta say he picked the right name..) doesn't seems to understand

I do understand, but it simply then begs the question - what is the rating system for then?

As it is, it's totally pointless!

Anyway, I've been keeping a tally of map ratings and I reckon the average is approx 5 or 6... of the 25 maps that i've played today, only 2 have been lower than 2 so far... so whether people only vote 0, 1, or 10 is a moot point, and the suggestion that there would hardly be any maps left seems somewhat of an exaggeration. Here's my list so far btw, added the names of <2 maps:

5.57 - Donkey_love





1.92 - Happy Farming (green custom tractor that flips out all the time)



2 - you like it or you die (boring, generic nrg500 map)

















So, will the admins release a list of all map ratings so we can see for ourselves?

Edited by mr.dogshit

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