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Mr. Green Gaming

Possible zs_urbandecay remake? =)

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  -N7-BloodGuard Deluvas said:
Maybe give me some advice on urban architecture :P?

Grab a photocamera and run outside naked. :P

Just make sure to add detail, blocky buildings are boring.


i remember seeing about what they did in L4D to make tension stuff.

Basically, some cars randomly placed that look like they were abandoned in a hurry, and they have headlights on.

the other thing was fog.

Maybe add some fire here and there or something =]

will you be able to go into any buildings or is it going to be a mainly outside sort of thing?


i want the player to go into buildings too,(but i don't wanna add lots of props cause it will drop the fps!) like the hl2 deathmatch map ( i dont know what name it has ) ... yes, and maybe i'll add canals .. and an infected building , from which the zombies come (i shall put trigger_push so that humans won't get in! )


Huh? zs_bog_urbandecay_remake? sounds nice. make some kinda roof, where you can stay and shoot zombies in their heads! make some lift, but make it large. Cos we will die eaylly there. Also make a zombie trap. the floor will move. That will be nice!





I spawned 28 bots to see how the fps handles ..well initially (0 bots, only me) the fps was 200-250, but as i added people, fps dropped to 50 ... i can't prevent this from happening .. buy good videocards, children !


That's not down to the map's FPS, bots take quite a lot of CPU power which in turn means the more of them you add the lower your FPS will be (this only applies if you're hosting the server on your own PC)


If i add more than 15 bots my fps drops to 5, even if only one is being rendered from my point. The bots just take alot of power, because it has to calculate 15 players movments rather than just your own, even though they just copy you.


By the way, in the first picture, (when i added bots), in the upper right corner, there are buildings, but they disappear.. how can i fix this? must i make another road to the right or left, so that the player doesn't see straight too much?

** : in the second picture, where you see those 2 cars, they are very shiny! The map has a light_envinroment. Should i add an env_sun, too? how can i fix that :/


The second problem sounds like a lack of cube maps added, whilst the first sounds like a rendering issue, probably caused by lack of optimization, or optimization gone wrong.


I added some cubemaps to the map, and then buildcubemaps in the console , but the objects are still shiny! When i put light on them, they look normal :/ .. About the problem with the building fading .. is that normal? what kind of optimization should i use here? should i make another street, so that the player doesn't look forward or what?

Ok, i solved the shiny thing ..i had the cubemaps placed and the console command run, but i forgot to restart the map, lol :/ ... i optimized the skybox, but it's still making the blocks fade ... and the skybox seems twisted..


no leaks (i've checked the log)

by the way, i have put fog controller and set start to 1500 and end to 4000 and the world fade is fixed ..(i didn't know fog could do that :<)

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