BlueYoshi97 Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 For me, it all started when I played videogames on an old pc at my Granny's. She got things like The First Prince Of Persia, but I found that game too scary, I did play a lot of Sint Nicolaas instead:The first PC games I got at home were Redcat games. I had a whole bunch of them, but De Razende Rekenrace and De Snelle Sommenrace were my favourites. De Snelle Sommenrace is among my favourite games of all times. Somewhere during this times, I started playing a lot of Rollercoaster Tycoon, Lego Racers, Toy Story 2 and Age of Empires. I also had A2 Racers, Zoo Tycoons and Lego Islands.I don't remember all the data, but I got a N64 at some point. Super Mario 64 is the game I played one of the most ever. Mario Kart 64 and Paper Mario 64 are fantastic too, and Paper Mario 64 immediately turned into my favorite Video Game series. I also got Harry Potter 1 for pc...Oh yeah... I shouldn't forget of course, I've been using my Game Boy Colour since long time ago untill today (seriously). Pokémon Silver, Pokémon Yellow, Wario Land III, Pokémon Trading Card Game, Pokémon Puzzle Challenge, Harry Potter II...Well I can go on but, believe it or not, but I still play most of these games daily. I mean I always read old magazines, watch old TV shows, and listen old music, and yes I also play old videogames. Basically right now I'm doing everything I did 10 years ago. Quote
Mathematic Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 De snelle sommenrace never worked at my pc. I was so pissed about that. I guess my pc didn't meet the minimum specs. Quote
BlueYoshi97 Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 De snelle sommenrace never worked at my pc. I was so pissed about that. I guess my pc didn't meet the minimum specs. Yeah it worked on my pc only for a while, after that I ended up having 4 De Snelle Sommenrace - CD-ROMs that all didn't work... so I gave them away.IF ONLY I COULD GET THEM BACKKKKKKKKKKK! Quote
Mathematic Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 Nice, I remember that one too! Was very cool to get introduced to that game by a friend back then. Epic time! Quote
TheGreenGrasshopper Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 These were my very first games at age 3Duke Nukem 3DRed CatComfyTetrisAnd these are the games I played later onDoomCrash Bandicoot 1/ crash team racingSpyro the DragonRaptor Call of the Shadows StargunnerD.O.G. fight for your life <-- I found this such a hard game when I was a kidDuke Nukem 2Rayman 1/2Pokémon Yellow, silver,crystalDungeon SiegeThis is far from every game I played when I was a young kid. Quote
Weo Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 it has been so long since i saw that game... *tear coming from my eye* Quote
BlueYoshi97 Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 (edited) Super Mario World! Edited August 8, 2011 by BlueYoshi97 Quote
Cookie Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 Best game ever. First game I got addicted to. Quote
EmRA Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 Wow.... the bunny randomly kills turtles violently. I'm glad I never played that shit.(Yes Mario also defeats turtles, but there turtles are enemies and he doesn't use a gun)Could you please keep stuff like that away from nostalgia threads?Nostalgia is serious business and most people don't like their childhood being mocked.Thank you. BlueYoshi97 and Baron Baconeer 2 Quote
BlueYoshi97 Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 (edited) Wow.... the bunny randomly kills turtles violently. I'm glad I never played that shit.(Yes Mario also defeats turtles, but there turtles are enemies and he doesn't use a gun)Could you please keep stuff like that away from nostalgia threads?Nostalgia is serious business and most people don't like their childhood being mocked.Thank you.Sorry for hurting your feelings, man, but you were just dissing RollerCoaster Tycoon 3, and I've been playing that today. So you're ruining my present.EDIT: No wait that was Hundred2.I'm sorry! Edited August 8, 2011 by BlueYoshi97 Quote
The Lazy Peon Posted August 12, 2011 Posted August 12, 2011 I played a lot of games, and I think they were very influential on me when I grew up.Not only do they teach that Rockets are a valuable ammunition, but that things are a challenge and that you must have patience.(You can turn me off in the pubs now, but-) They really are a great medium- they're an interactive movie, or a radio broadcast that you can see and feel. So instead of (in the case of Blade Runner, randomly) watching Deckard shoot the Replicant in the back and talking about that, you could actually shoot the Replicant yourself.They're also great because of the variation: One player will do something one way, and another another way. It adds almost a shifting folk lore to an idea that (although is very close to) surpasses TV and maybe even Film. Although this is debatable.The thing about games is, now a days, they also allow people to connect with (and kill) each other all over the world.I'll use a little personal anecdote about everyone's favourite Swede: Sneed.I never met the guy, but through the miracle of online games, we're almost brothers in relation*That's the power these things posses: So kids should play games at a young age. (And, of course, avoid things like CoD which seem to encourage swearing/racism/shitty game design/ shitty everything) *And cyber loversANYWAY, ON TOPIC, HERE'S A LIST:1. Quake (I-III)2. Half Life (I-II)3. Dungeon Keeper II4. DOOM (I-II)5. Hexen 6. Muppet Racing7. Star Wars (Jedi Knight Dark Forces II + Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast)8. Duke Nukem 3D9. Time Splitters (II- Future Perfect)+ Many other PS2 and PC games.God bless Video Games.And bless All of you guys. You sexy beasts. Quote
Tom Klijbroek Posted August 12, 2011 Posted August 12, 2011 Early 90s: Commodore 64, NES games and SNES games. Lots of Super Mario World, Super Mario Kart, Donkey Kong Country. Mid 90s: My first PC games.. I gave up consoles by then.. Full Throttle, Need for Speed, Command & Conquer, Theme Hospital, SimCity 2000Late 90s: Carmageddon, Need for Speed 3 Hot Pursuit, SimCity 3000, C&C Tiberian Sun, Half-Life, GTA 1 and 2Early 00s: Operation Flashpoint, Red Alert Yuri's Revenge, Soldier of Fortune, Max Payne, GTA 3Mid 00s: Half-Life 2, Football Manager 2005, GTA Vice City and San Andreas, Sim City 4Late 00s: I bought a console again.. PS3 this time.. Fallout 3, GTA 4, Uncharted Early 10s: Gran Turismo 5, Heavy Rain, LA Noire, Portal 2 Quote
BlueYoshi97 Posted August 20, 2011 Posted August 20, 2011 The sound of the wheels is terrible, but one of Redcat games' strongest parts has always been the music.There's a very relaxing song in Redcat: De Snelle Sommenrace that plays right before starting the race, I want to play the game JUST FOR THAT SONG. It gives you the feeling you have wings and you fly past a lighthouse.And oh, in De Snelle Sommenrace there is a cave somewhere. Somewhere in that cave, you can go through the wall and you'll land in a room called 'Storage Room'. In it, there's a couple of cacti, a blunted cowboy, and a large pole of ice that makes a constant Tarzan-noise. I remember how much time I spent on trying to push the other racers in there by using snowballs.There was also a Dream Castle behind somewhere you couldn't reach.Ah shit, if there's any Dutchie in here who still has that game, I got like 90383094839048309890384098 euros for that. And I don't have that money so I will be your slave... as long as you let me play those Redcat games daily. Quote
Corby Posted August 20, 2011 Posted August 20, 2011 (edited) Now this, WAS A GAME Edited August 20, 2011 by Corby Quote
EmRA Posted August 20, 2011 Posted August 20, 2011 well i got two games too i remember playing as little control 2 and 3 SC2 was the best fucking game ever.Many of my childhood games have already been posted but heres a few more Quote
xeim Posted August 20, 2011 Posted August 20, 2011 Hm lets see Need for speed , rayman and of course the best game im still playing Diablo 2 (+ offspring music Fuck yeah ) Quote
Weo Posted August 25, 2011 Posted August 25, 2011 (edited) well i got two games too i remember playing as little control 2 and 3 SC2 was the best fucking game ever.yeh SC2 was better than 3.oh you have played clonk! i played that with my friends... i think we still do sometimes just to remember the good old times. Edited August 25, 2011 by Weo Quote
Hundred2 Posted August 27, 2011 Posted August 27, 2011 (edited) Instead of raging about stuff, let's resurrect this topic. One of the best RTS's I've ever played. Back when NFS was good and you were controlling cars, not quick time events. Even though Medal Of Honor: Frontline was the "Allied Assault" on the console, this Medal of Honor was a pure fucking gem. game was really difficult for me, but eventually I learned how to stay out of the red and earn lods e mone.Also @ BlueYoshi.SNEEEEEEELSTE RONDUUUUUUUUUUUUH Edited August 27, 2011 by Hundred2 awesomeo_5000 1 Quote
oDi_W Posted August 27, 2011 Posted August 27, 2011 The first games we had where on the Commodore 64.I still find it the most awesome console i've ever had. Tobad my dad sold it..I remember Ghost busters and some other game which was lots of fun.After that i remember me playing Lego Rock Raiders and Lego Racers.I remember me playing The Sims and watching the TV alot.After that i played GTA3, Vice City and San Andreas which i modded alot until it crashed.Then i got a friend later that had Half Life 2.Which i played alot and it was scary to play for me.Since then im more in the FPS games section of the market.Nowadays a don't play that much anymore. but some days i really feel to play all day.Thats my story. Quote
Mathematic Posted August 27, 2011 Posted August 27, 2011 I played GTA Vice City on 10 fps (slow computer, slow computer) and I didn't know how to mod yet, but my first car I put ingame was most likely the Dukes Of Hazzard car I really liked. Quote
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