Luke Nukem Posted January 6, 2012 Posted January 6, 2012 Why are the 8bit songs so fucking big :[Cause Luke wanted to listen to them so I exported them all in a rush on the last day of college and left it on max settings :c Ill put them on newgrounds or something when I finish themAdded the Etheral zombie background, thats the best I could think of for the whole invisible+teleporter thing. Any ideas for the other zombies post them, I'm having trouble with the poison zombie cause it doesnt spawn as a ragdoll with the headcrabs on its back..Don't bring me into this. * shifty eyes * Quote
Dr.Minky Posted January 14, 2012 Author Posted January 14, 2012 (edited) SpaceCraft! - TO BE UPDATEDNether is now blue, but lava is still glowing green- TO BE UPDATED -Mobs are different now- TO BE UPDATED -Biomes are now completely grey, and when im done the grass sound effect will be the same as the rock one so you wont tell the difference at a glanceA starport me and luke made one day!HANGER 6Where little shuttles can dock in from, like on star wars Complete with random boxes of somethingThe alternate to the green beams, red beams, which are cobwebs so are hard to walk throughLittle control room for the hanger, im using one way blocks so that you can see through walls, its really useful for this because you can make rooms where the people can see out but not people outside seeing in, which is great for control rooms and making things look secure outside and 'spacey' inside- TO BE UPDATED -Have a much better example of the control room now.I will update the pictures tomorrow evening Edited January 17, 2012 by Dr.Minky Raptor 1 Quote
Sneed Posted January 14, 2012 Posted January 14, 2012 looks like god puked on his creations. I like it Baron Baconeer and Luke Nukem 2 Quote
Dr.Minky Posted January 15, 2012 Author Posted January 15, 2012 Adding stuff from the normal space world now Quote
Dr.Minky Posted January 15, 2012 Author Posted January 15, 2012 Looks cool.Could you tell me what plugin the server uses to slow down time? I tried a couple and they didnt work too well, Quote
Luke Nukem Posted January 16, 2012 Posted January 16, 2012 Luke Nukem helped me build it by doing the docking station WOOO Quote
Guest Posted January 16, 2012 Posted January 16, 2012 You should make an advenure map out of this! Also, it would be so sick if you found/made a mod that makes you able to fly a small shuttle around. Or just make minecart tracks invisible and make minecarts look like shuttles! Quote
Baron Baconeer Posted January 16, 2012 Posted January 16, 2012 That would be the first texture pack I'd actually want to use. Quote
Dr.Minky Posted January 16, 2012 Author Posted January 16, 2012 (edited) You should make an advenure map out of this! Also, it would be so sick if you found/made a mod that makes you able to fly a small shuttle around. Or just make minecart tracks invisible and make minecarts look like shuttles! I already have.. Did I not mention that? Whoops you can fly MineCarts as space shuttles! And ive already made floating minecart tracks, you can see them in the screen shot of the outside hangerOh, and im gonna want a few people who like building to test out the texture pack if anyones up for that? (You can bring a friend or two) im only gonna want a few people doing that though. If your up to it, ill want you and whoever your with to just go and build whatever the hell you want, test out all the blocks, make something similar to what me and luke made last night or anything you feel looks cool, then tell me what blocks you didn't like or didnt use or think could be improved. That way I can re-texture blocks that people dont like as ones they will actually use, no point in it being their otherwise So anybody feel like helping? (ill be updating the server to Bukkit 1.1 tonight too, so youll need to patch your minecraft or use the patched.jar that ill upload. Ill be putting a whitelist on so if you do wanna help post your in game name and the name of whoever you would play with) Edited January 16, 2012 by Dr.Minky Quote
EmRA Posted January 16, 2012 Posted January 16, 2012 havent played minecraft in ages, when would the playing occur? Quote
Dr.Minky Posted January 16, 2012 Author Posted January 16, 2012 (edited) havent played minecraft in ages, when would the playing occur?Probably... Tomorrow Tomorrow after 8, or any time on a different day apart from wednesday. stuff to do today, need to sort out the server for 1.1 and update the texture pack a little bit, and I have an exam tomorrow so id just waste all night doing that. My girlfriend is round till the afternoon tomorrow and im out on WednesdayBut yeah, if you like building stuff and actually wanna help me out then come and play as textures are what im focusing on right now, otherwise just wait till im finished so its actually the complete thingIll probably need a bigger group of people to test it in normal mode closer to finishing too, because it IS intended to be playable in normal mode and still be able to build as cool looking stuff.. Imagine SpaceCraft faction wars!! EDIT: Oh, scratch that, if I DO do it tomorrow it will be late at like 8 central time, and I wont be able to do it on Wednesday. So any day apart from then, Edited January 16, 2012 by Dr.Minky Quote
Mathematic Posted January 16, 2012 Posted January 16, 2012 I'd like to be a test-bunny. The texture pack seems cool and stuff. Nice job. . . Quote
Mr. Darkness Posted January 16, 2012 Posted January 16, 2012 Our forums weren't that full of creative stuff, expect EmRA's and Lemon's... But then a Dr. Minky came...Amazing stuff there! Really. I actually like creating some design stuff in hammer (aka Backgrounds) so ppl could photoshop their stuff in it.Want me to make a small hl2 map so you can make some cool posing in it? Quote
Baron Baconeer Posted January 16, 2012 Posted January 16, 2012 I will do it. I will take the craft to the space. Those textures just urge to create space-cobblestone cubes. Quote
Guest Posted January 16, 2012 Posted January 16, 2012 Minky, I have to say, this looks amazing. I will also help with the testing! Quote
Dr.Minky Posted January 16, 2012 Author Posted January 16, 2012 Our forums weren't that full of creative stuff, expect EmRA's and Lemon's... But then a Dr. Minky came...Aw, thanks dude Means a lot to know people like it, most people I know haven't even seen the things I make/do..Amazing stuff there! Really. I actually like creating some design stuff in hammer (aka Backgrounds) so ppl could photoshop their stuff in it. Want me to make a small hl2 map so you can make some cool posing in it? Yeah sure dude, you could help with the ZS backgrounds (i'm doubting if theyre gonna be used, but they make really nice wallpapers anyway!Maybe we could design a map at some point together too? I'm new to map designing, but I wanted to try it outAnd I don't see a problem with most of you doing it, thanks for the good response. I will post again the day before I'm gonna do the testing!Also an update on what I want to do with the server as a whole (PLEASE tell me if you think this is a good idea or not, I want this to be a game mode that will be enjoyed and played by guys like you instead of the average MineCraft member (we all know what they get like), because MineCrafts a good game really, itd be the players like you guys could enjoy it away from the whole faction wars thing that I know bugs a lot of you. Throw in your ideas, suggestions and changes to this:The idea of SpaceCraft is to just make it feel like a new game without actually changing too much, and to host it as more of a friendly game play feel than the faction wars is. The end goal would be to build cool structures and try and have the best space ship / ufo / space station / whatever you want, and of course have the most resources.I thought this could be expanded by installing the faction wars plugin, and let people join 'Alliances', lead by a Captain, so it will be based off of small groups making these ships and actually having to work together. This wouldn't have the normal system of power falling when you die and such, but would just be a way to protect the land you have from griefers and build impressive alliancesAlso i'm going to overcome the problem of traveling with having either space shuttles or a form of jetpack or something, whatever works best, I have mods installed but they're a bit... Buggy, currently (You'll see when you try it). Along with adding any other mods that can make it feel more like space, (Again, if you find any, post them) Quote
Guest Posted January 17, 2012 Posted January 17, 2012 I don't understand somethings. So your going to have a faction wars type plugin, without the war, and the whole point of the game is to build cool ships and stuff? I think that would be really cool at first, but it would get kind of lame after a while. Maybe people could have different factions, and then they have to go around and colonize different planets, and eventually have the most resources and be the most successful. You could have separate worlds for each planet, so if you get into the planets orbit, then you transport to another world, like Nether Portals, and Ender Portals! Just a note, you should make some of the mobs look like aliens and depending if their friendly of aggresive, they will let you onto their planet. For the traveling, you could use a plugin that is like the planes mod. All you would have to do is change the texture!Every team would have a main Starship, and eventually, they could create a DeathStar of some sort! (Just not the Death part! ) Their should be a Home planet, basically the spawn, where each team goes off and starts on their adventure. The overall goal for the game, could be that you have to go and find something or whatever.As you said, the overall goal would to have the coolest ship. I think that would end fast and people would get bored. Maybe there should be an alien race that you have to destroy or something! Their should also be a bunch of different creations across the whole map, that are made by admins, like the gods in Faction wars. These creations could be temples where you go down into them, and fight your way past enemies, and their is treasure at the end! (p.s. I would love to help create them )Wait I have an idea. Everyone starts on a different planet. then, once they get better, they can create space suits, so they can go into space! Then, they doo something where they get the option to go into space, then, they go about and colonize different planets! Hope you like my ideas, and I would LOVE to help you get the world up and running (e.g. building stuff). Quote
Dr.Minky Posted January 17, 2012 Author Posted January 17, 2012 (edited) - Space suits, so they can go into spaceThat would be hard to do. It'd mean you'd need to make people get hurt if they go outside without a helmet or something, which would be pretty impossible to make a plugin for. Ideally it would be nice, but I cant see much hope in that.. I could however make it so if you had say diamond armour for example, then you could fly without using a space shuttle or similar. - Client side shuttlesI also could put the plane mod in, I'd thought about it before, but that means having client side mods so people CANT actually join unless they have the .jar installed (this may be a good thing if im honest). I'll have to think about it. - People starting on home planets, and colonising itThat would have to veto people being able to create factions (you'd end up with lots of small useless factions). It could be made so each admin owned a colony, then each colony starts off on a planet with a small base and has to expand out and build a star ship and etc, so they progress outside as they get more materials and find special items. These colonies would be kept balanced in player numbers, - Alien mobs that are hostile depending on where you areAlien mobs are already added (need tweaking, but theyre there). Having them hostile depending on where they are isnt possible unless I set each zone as a specific type of area, which Im not gonna do, - Non-friendly gameplayDepends on what everybody else says, might just be your opinion, but I definitely agree that it needs more of a goal + restrictions of what you can do so you have to progress in it. Again, suggestions below! An RPG plugin could be used so you can only break certain blocks if you get to a certain level in it, something like thatKeep in mind it cant be too complicated, then it just gets confusing,Oh, and I dont mind reading lots, but try and keep it to points if you can 'cause it's easier to reply to, Edited January 17, 2012 by Dr.Minky Quote
Baron Baconeer Posted January 17, 2012 Posted January 17, 2012 I don't know much about minecraft modding, and thus have no idea whether my idea could work, but I'll throw it there still.Maybe you could make the plane/planet/universe/space/whatever work like you would be underwater for breathing purposes, and all helmets would come with the underwater breathing enchantment.((Also, Wezrine, why do you have a personal plusreputation account giving you points?)) Dr.Minky 1 Quote
Dr.Minky Posted January 17, 2012 Author Posted January 17, 2012 (edited) Maybe you could make the plane/planet/universe/space/whatever work like you would be underwater for breathing purposes, and all helmets would come with the underwater breathing enchantment.That would be possible, but it would be much more taxing on the server (at the minute its mainly empty space, so it doesn't have to load that much) and affect how the world renders (underwater it changes how the sky and horizon look and stuff) so probably wouldn't be for the best..Good suggestion though, very creative ((Also, Wezrine, why do you have a personal plusreputation account giving you points?))lohl Edited January 17, 2012 by Dr.Minky Quote
Baron Baconeer Posted January 17, 2012 Posted January 17, 2012 (edited) Could you mod the drowning property to regular air blocks, then?EDIT: Also, imagine the moments in (possible) pvp scenarios when your helmet breaks in the middle of battle. Harhar. Edited January 17, 2012 by Baron Baconeer Quote
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