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Mr. Green Gaming

Server idea...

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You must be getting fed up with my ideas by now, but here's another one anyway :P

My idea is for some way for spectators bet on races with their GC.

The amount they would win would be a combination of when they placed the bet (so that bets placed when the race starts returns more GC than one placed when its 34/35 CPs); and the player's race/win ratio.

So, lets say you start by saying the potential win is 2 x the bet (so 100 GC bet would return your 100 bet PLUS the same again). So a bet placed when the racer is at 0/10 CPs would be a 1x multiplier (so 100 x 1 = 100), 9/10 CPs would be a 0.1x multiplier (100 x 0.1 = 10)... PLUS your original bet.

Then you'd need to work out some formula for converting the players race/win ratio to another multiplier. Mine is 1879 races, 175 wins (175/1879 = 0.09), and just looking at Arx's stats, his are 1577/4341 = 0.36, Prayer is 976/7450 = 0.13 and just for the record lets say a random noob would be 0/100.

So the simplest way to make that a multiplier would be 1 - ratio.

So i would be 1 - 0.09 = 0.91

arx: 1 - 0.36 = 0.64

prayer: 1 - 0.13 = 0.87

noob: 1 - 0 = 1

Now multiply the result of the CP multiplier with the win/race and you have your prize. So I guess the formula is...

Win = Bet + (1 - (Wins / Races)) X (Bet - (Player_CP X (Bet / Total_CPs)))

A 100 bet on me at the start of a 45 CP race would be:

Win = 100 + (1 - (175 / 1879)) X (100 - (0 X (100 / 45))) =

Win = 100 + (1 - 0.09) X (100 - 0)

Win = 100 + (0.91 X 100)

Win = 100 + 91

Win = 191

Arx win = 164

Prayer = 187

noob = 200

if the bet was placed at say CP 44, then the result would be...

100 + (0.91 X (100 - (44 X (100 / 45)))

100 + (0.91 X (100 - (44 X 2.22))

100 + (0.91 X (100 - 97.68))

100 + (0.91 X 2.32)

100 + 2.11


Arx = 101.41

Prayer = 101.93

noob = 102.2

You could also make it so that you could only place bets in spectator mode, and if you then spawn the bet is cancelled.

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