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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by mr.reese

  1. I love the mod but i have to be honest. I don't get 1 kill/game on average what is really really annoying. Today i was at level 9 when i killed 2 and nothing happened. Please fix it someway.
  2. Best game mode on the server at the moment!!! Really nice
  3. I didnt know this new winner thing. Thanks for the help.
  4. Today i won on an nts map and at the same round i bought a map and its price was 1000. why?
  5. Server: mix Map: [NTS]_Drift 2 Delete this map please because there is a big shortcut. Thanks.
  6. I'm happy with this solution and i think this is a good idea.
  7. Server: mix Map: [RTF] Pro v1 Delete this map please, because there is a radical shortcut. Thank you
  8. I think 1000 is a really high price and i think you need to search for another good solution for this problem. I voted for 3 maps/hour but it could be 1 or 2/hour.
  9. Server: mix Map: [NTS]HIPHOP made by qrew Totally shit and invisible wall at a turn at about 17th cp. delete pls. ty.
  10. Thanks. I was seeing ban requests topic after i posted. I forgot to mention that he camps all the time.
  11. mr.reese

    Ban request

    Hello! I hope i'm writing this to the right place. I'd like to ask you for ban a player, please. This player's name is [KUT]Req. He always swearing and insult on the server without any serious reasons and he use the same words everytime what is so annoying. I already said that for admins but they asked me to make some proof. I made some screenshots about him in the past few days and i hope it will be enough. This is not a personal attack, a lot of players nervous because of him and i hope that they will support me at comments. Now please have a look at the screenshots. Thank you, have a nice day.
  12. Server: MIX Map: [NTS] Flutuar Delete this map pls. Totally shit. Thanks
  13. Server: mix Map [CTF] Never The Same Please delete this map, big chaos. Thanks.
  14. Cena u always explain everything... just blah blah.... I don't hate you... i hate what you've done as an admin
  15. That's funny we got mute for asking the map, but real askers never got it. GG ADMINS
  16. Server: mix Map: [RTF] Animals by emi. Please fix that map because players use shortcut there, and please reset toptimes. Thank you
  17. Buy ma nigga pls
  18. Hey guys! I think we need to talk about mix server. There is a topic about ma nigga and that topic is the problem's source, but i don't want to talk about that map. I think most of the admins do not really know what is going on the server these days/weeks because they are not online a lot. I am an active player on the server and i would like you to believe me. 1. There are players who insult all the time, do not respect others (do not even admins), and ruin the gameplay several ways. (This is not my personal opinion.) 2. The server needs tougher rules and we/you should select(ban) some people who can not respect the rules. There are already a few rules on the server but some players can not comply even these. (for example: camp rule, ram/block rule, chat rules etc.) 3. The 'new' admins you have choosen do not do their tasks properly. Yes, they kill some campers sometimes and set maps if someone ask, but they never kill those players who their friends or teammates. They do favoritism. Ban may be a hard way to enforce the rules, but i think with time it could be effective. I do not want to be an admin or a moderator at all costs, but i could do this stuff with higher efficiency because i have no teammates on the server so i could stay neutral. If you ask me i can undertake this task, but i do not think so you will give me the rights. Guys, Players: If you think that i am right please support me at the comment section. Thank you for listenning, mr.reese
  19. Server: Mix Map: [sH]Ma Nigga Ma Nigga overplayed, annoying, lot of campers on it, RACIST. pls delete, racism makes me upset.
  20. Totally agree. This is really annoying. Sad to hear that admins say 'ignore them' and 'disable chat'. I don't understand why normal players should ignore when admins could easily mute or ban them. Ban may an extreme solution but believe me, they deserve it. For example there are 2 players: Req and Gwiazda. Everytime when they get killed they write 'nooooob' or 'lagshot omfg stfu nooobs' and outbursts like these, they usually camp all time. I really can't tolerate this.
  21. I'm agree. Furthermore, they are all noobs and ram, block, suicide all the fucking time.
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