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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by mr.reese

  1. You could make 9gag like soundcloud on the server. What do you think? (If u have enough time for that)
  2. I dont suggest him. One of the biggest assholes of the server.
  3. aaand some KoM camp again.
  4. Delete this map pls because of spawn problem. Delete [RTF]agoot because of the like-dislike rate (and it's really a shit)
  5. It's like i didnt buy it. So it says Price: 2000 Gc and if i click again it says: You've already bought this perk EDIT: now it says every perk for 1000 GC like when im unregistered but i logged in and the perks work what i bought
  6. Today i bought colored rockets and it isnt colored + i can't set the color.
  7. New game mode idea for mix server: DOMINATION It would look like in battlefield. There are two or more teams and a map. The map includes some areas/territories and each team has a base area/territory and there would be some neutral area. This could substitute ctf. (Maybe with shooter mode would be more interesting.) Target: Take over as many areas as you can. Tell me what do you think about it.
  8. Pinger/lagger players will never know what to play with a 300 ping player. For example: 300 ping player is like a tank sometimes. you crash with him on full speed and nothing happens or he just pull you with his lag. These things are really annoying at DD, CTF and the last one at NTS mode too. At shooter they're die about 1-2 sec more as you shoot them. Furthermore, when u see a "lagger" shot a rocket at your direction and you want to jump above it you can't because of the late. And there are lots of annoying things what i can't write down because of my english knowledge, but i'm sure players with normal ping understand what i'm talking about.
  9. I'm from Europe and suffered a lot because of your lag
  10. really thanks
  11. Is it possible to improve voice chat quality? It's useless. I don't know how it works so sorry if it's a stupid question.
  12. I think one round SH and one round CG is more than enough, or just delete cg... i liked it for the first time but now... most annoying shit ever...
  13. This is KoM. This is non-sense teaming. This is absolutely disgusting. This is pathetic. I can't find more words. There were about 10 players on the server and these (khm khm) players still teaming (rate was about 8:2 of teamers and non-teamers) and after they killed the other players (about 3), they did nothing and just driving and horning. Congrats guys. And this thing happens ALL the mornings and times when only a few players online.
  14. Hey, Today a player made a racist statement on the mix server. His name --- (i don't know his original name, i think he is a regular player with other name) and he is from Romania. Please ban him. There are 2 screens:
  15. Collisionless mode fuck up ctf mode, because laggers actually just go trough players. (mostly south amercians who always play here and fuck up the game very often....) Ghosts break fences, blow up barrels and other things what is a big advantage for that player who driving behind them, and they lag like shit sometimes what is really annoying...
  16. Yes, i know it's ghost's bad not your markers bad, and yes, they also destroy fences and other objects what mean a big advantage if u are behind it
  17. There is a problem with it: Ghosts are destroy hays and blow up barrels.
  18. I think 'you' shouldn't concentrate to old players. He is the part of mix server. He can behave nice, but the last times he got so much hate and he got provoked for a lot of time and he did these things just for spite. So please don't ban him and try to understand him.
  19. I'll miss u too... but u could come up to the server with a new nick and with a new registration and no one know that's you.
  20. I think this is the best solution, don't need separate mode.
  21. That could be automatic like on Aleks' picture, or maybe players make their own teams. For example: I make a team what's name is 'Winning team' and Kali make a team what's name is 'Stoner team'. In this example only this 2 teams but there would be more teams. Me and Kali could invite players for our teams. Those players who couldnt invited don't take part in the 'game'. You could check teams on tab which could be colors marked. It could be happen once or twice a day or maybe players could start a vote about it. (of course the vote would time limited)
  22. Hi, I'd like to share some ideas what i was thinking about. 1. Winning streak. If you win 2 or more rounds/races in a row the server would let it know to everyone on the server with a 'flashy' sentence and maybe with a sound tone. (maybe with gc multiplier, ctf wouldnt count) This would also work with new top time. 2. Team-games. There would be a possibility to make teams once or twice a day and the winning team would get greencoins if they win. It would last an hour or something like that. (They would get points for winning etc.) 3. More and harder achievements for mix. Me and some of the players could reach these achievements very easily and very fast, so new of them would be nice. Maybe it's enough for this time, if i have more i'll tell u or if u have some please share it. Thanks.
  23. Hey. I have a suggestion. When you get a vehicle what can't use nitro like boats, bicycle or planes your nitro disappear and when you get a car again you have no nitro. Is it possible to keep your nitro after a plane, boat etc.?
  24. Nice news. I've always wanted to play with hybrid nos on the server. I like it so much. Thank you for your work.
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