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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by kittycool321

  1. Unban him... you have that dumb ore plug in now so who cares if he xrays ... this server was in its prime when xray was at its prime, used by basically everyone ... and there is no "server economy," as there is no one on to even have an "economy" ... so xray wouldn't destroy that ... therefore if everyone has diamonds, then everyone is equal and there is no fear of losing your oh so precious set of armor ... also, a lot of the "old" players, who xrayed, obviously became too lazy to mine legitimately, so why even bother when mining takes hours on end to not even find a single diamond ore? But you gotz playerz to blowz so you prob won't. Good day
  2. Exactly what I expected:)
  3. I decided to delete. Some concepts seem too far out of reach for some of you...
  4. a little late
  5. On Sunday people are busy with many irl things, such as religion, schoolwork, and etc. (I have to read a book). It would be greatly appreciated if the map could be reset Saturday (already Saturday in the Netherlands). Thanks, Monkey p.s. Resetting the map Sunday would be like having a grand opening while all of the customers are out of town. (what a great analogy)
  6. You took that out of context and didn't quote it correctly. He wasn't saying what you just implied he was saying. And to be honest there isn't real a good selection of mature players for admin, since I am always here annoying the shit out of everyone for no reason. ja brah. Proving my point about maturity. And I am not on all the time, and its only the people like you who get annoyed at my comments. I was only speaking the truth and reading what you post in other topics, you like to argue quite a lot. I am now waiting for another really witty comment from you and for you to start verbally abusing me etc, which will just be proving my point further more. You took that out of context and didn't quote it correctly. He wasn't saying what you just implied he was saying. And to be honest there isn't real a good selection of mature players for admin, since I am always here annoying the shit out of everyone for no reason. ja brah. Proving my point about maturity. And I am not on all the time, and its only the people like you who get annoyed at my comments. I was only speaking the truth and reading what you post in other topics, you like to argue quite a lot. I am now waiting for another really witty comment from you and for you to start verbally abusing me etc, which will just be proving my point further more. No need to rage so hard Mogadon.
  7. Yea cause you are the top abuser of f homing.
  8. Yea what will be the rareness of protection II now? Also, my understanding is the reset will be tomorrow (Saturday), but what time will it be Saturday where you are Clavus?
  9. You don't even play anymore.
  10. Yea cause then the chance of you getting caught goes down substantially.
  11. Yea, you would stink if they didn't have this. That's all ya do is f home. But then ya wouldn't even come outta ya home if they didn't have this. So I don't know.
  12. Good luck grasshopper.
  13. Thanks to the haters and thanks to the taters.
  14. Yea you said you were done with this server. . .
  15. Good luck man.
  16. I'm speaking for Americans. If you don't agree then just don't say anything.
  17. Mathijs this statement makes you sound like such an arrogant little man. I have been on for over a year, and yes, contrary to you beliefs, I am involved on the forums. But I guess you Dutchies and what not are the big bois on campus, so don't mind this dumb little American. When you accuse anyone who has skills to be a hacker, of course you will fail to recognize them as potentially good admins.
  18. Make higher levels easier(by enabling silk touch on spawners) to reach and give the players diamonds for voting, etc. People are always gonna have good stuff so just make it easier to ge t.
  19. We've made so many suggestions. Everyone's just lazy.
  20. Next map enable silk touch on spawners. <--- Enchanting no longer sucks and everyone is happy (If you're gonna whine about potential lag, just be quiet)
  21. If you're gonna talk to your faction just do it in Skype chat so mathijs can't pull crap like this. While I always lose to dingo he shouldn't be banned over this. But yea we have such a full server so good thinking mathijs.
  22. He was banned lol No he wasn't White. So lol buddy
  23. It was like that way before Mathijs was an admin, so I wonder if its just to do with the childish community. I never said that. White Thunder said that I just didn't have it in a quote box. Yea, you childish young man.
  24. Mathijs, if I can get banned for doing nothing wrong, don't you think there is a problem with that? Also, to head and turbo, all you do is complain to Mathijs and I bet you get OP stuff, as well as having someone banned as soon as you wish. And Mathijs, now that you say I did a "180" and the only arrows I missed on were the ones that were under shot, you have clearly never listened to what I have said to you when we were negotiating (pretty much me yelling at your lack of ability to understand the most obvious facts). In the video, I miss multiple times, and I there were many arrows that went past my target, disproving your claim. In addition, the angle between HeadNoob and TurboKiddie was much less than 180 degrees, but hey you don't need proof do ya big guy? Also, PLEASE LISTEN HERE TRY UR BEST BUDDY, if I had bowaimbot it would of been impossible to shoot at headnoob. If you can't accept this argument and its valid facts, you are obviously not capable of properly moderating this server. Thanks Nob
  25. You are banning your only loyal players one by one. You only have so many of them buddy.
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