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Mr. Green Gaming


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About FlowMonstaX

  • Birthday 03/11/1997

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  • Discord
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  • Location
    New York City
  • Interests
    Well of course...MINECRAFT

FlowMonstaX's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Damnnn, imma miss this
  2. im not saying any of that mathijs its just from what ive seen during my time of playing on this server is that he doesn't take the plugins into consideration that the players ask for. And i never really said that people would ask for diamonds or spawners just the simple plugins that people ask for such as Head Hunter plugin and others to make this server more fun and enjoyable for the players. And Mathijs tbh I dont like your attitude I was being really kind and giving ideas and you had to fucking say that like wtf man calm your tits next time.
  3. So im just seeing this but I think the best way for this server to head is to just follow what the players want instead of stubborn old clavus because if you deny almost all requests by players you are gonna eventually loose your main player base. This server is heading no where......It needs something new like ive been playing on a different server for a while now and the 2 admins follow almost everything players ask for but if its something out of ordinary it wont happen or be added. Just saying its a good idea to try out. Also try looking for new voting pages and have admins on almost 24/7 so that they can make sure that players are getting what they want and are having there voice heard and also try to have more server events held it will make it more fun. Hope my ideas where helpful, Flow
  4. Lol. Had Lol. Tntspamm retard. Next time put same ammount of it into ur ass. xD
  5. how about clavus or somebody just look at the command history or something(if thats possible...idk)
  6. __Flow__ Verion
  7. FlowMonstaX


    Okay please check out this video....I believe this is Mathijs from the other day. My faction(barbarians) and equalists where pvp'ing in a fight. So then all of a sudden random harming pots spam out of the sky. It has to be mathijs because he is the only admin online.
  8. Poor editing qualitty. You should get a better program.
  9. I was strip mining like an hour ago. Then I left the game to play on a different server. When I try to come back online It says I was banned for xray . Please Help.
  10. and noobs...dont forget the noobs
  11. probably not...u never know
  12. FlowMonstaX


    This server has really gone dead again, there is never anybody to raid or kill. I suggest that all of the American players split up instead of being in a faction and enemy each other cause its really boring at the moment and nobody is ever online like right now...there is like 0 people on.
  13. nothing is on my mind

  14. -,- take a wild guess...all u had to do was pm Clavus
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