To get swiftly back on-topic. Im currently at College (not what the Americans call college, what they call college is really University.) doing a BTEC National Diploma in Software Development, which for my first year I got DDM which is the equivalent of AAB at AS-Level, and im starting again on the 8th of September. - What is it like (What you do there, if it isnt obvious) Its not bad, my group is full of people who have seen the horrors of the internet (Im looking at you 4-Chan) and still lived to tell the tale, but lost some brain cells in the process. The course is about developing software (who knew), and there's 18 topics to cover over the 2 years, but you take on 9 in each year and within that you have 4 or 5 of those 9 topics at once. Core units: Communication and Employability Skills in IT Computer Systems Information Systems IT Systems Analysis and Design Principles of Software Design and Development Event-driven Programming. Specialist units: IT Project (equivalent to 2 units) Advanced Database Skills Advanced Spreadsheet Skills Communication Technologies Developing Computer Games Human Computer Interaction Control Systems Web Server Scripting Website Production and Management Object Orientated Programming E-commerce. (fyi, bold is second year topics) - Do you like it? Yep, its pretty damn awesome and fun. - How long days you got? Dont know for this year yet, should have at least one day off a week. Its a "Study day", but it usually never gets used as that until the last quarter of the year - Payment? lol. I wish. Parents bring in too much to be able to apply for EMA >: