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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. TOPIC LOCKED. This has been resolved, you now have a day ban for your chatlogs showing insulting admins, and generally being whining on here as well. Oh also. We aren't "little kiddies". That's probably you.
  2. No, its justified. He has given warnings time and time again at the round start according to 2 other CSS admins. And clearly you did something to provoke being banned. Now shut up and enjoy your now 1 day ban thanks to CarPileUp.
  3. Look. I dont see the massive whining youre saying about a simple 30 minute ban. You could just fap in that time tbh. And CSS needs more of a crackdown on telecamping and spawnkilling. You wouldnt be here in the first place anyway if you didnt commit the offense. EDIT: You do know we have more than one server in this community dont you? EDITEDIT: Nice chat logs you have. Nicely insulting admins on it as well. http://hlstatsx.left...y&player=480505
  4. Its not anymore. Clavus moved it to Quickies section
  5. Bob-omb*
  6. Moved into correct sub-forum
  7. FGUIHJGCHFIUOHFJSUIOHVBUADSLJVBGOIWJFHGUFRFS dspifbhfodlkngabipjvoxcn kvdlsizjsdfbhoigsaklmvdbc,v.fb #hr jhm=g76e35rh6tjry*d45ge2f n
  8. MC server is on Delia now anyway. Not Fenrir.
  9. Im sad that your avatar doesnt show the rest of that scene with me inserting various objects up your arse. :(

  10. Ive done nothing. I was jus' sayin' :P

  11. 1 and 2 iterations are easy-peasy compared to 3 D: Wanna do a 4 iteration? It'll be big... 81x81x81 big. You do realise a 4 iteration would hit the skybox.
  12. ;D


    I like how I can edit your profile :>

  13. Darkstar


    Define which drugs you mean.
  14. 1 and 2 iterations are easy-peasy compared to 3 D: Its maths, not science
  15. Menger Sponges are coolbeans. Oh and btw, its a 3 dimensional shape as well. Meaning that the pattern is continued onto the innards.
  16. Ive just realised, why is the Sandvich nearest the heavy partially invisible? Edit: And the one by the Soldier as well.
  17. Oh man. I love that one. Im using that as my desktop background now.
  18. For me, the text intro wasn't brilliant, and the arm poses for the HHHH at 2:58 weren't brilliant. It did have some very nice uses of camera, how you did the pyro at the end from 2:39 to 2:55 was very good. Its shame you couldn't have spent more time on it, it has some great potential. But I did like it much better than your other videos.
  19. Water still looks way too well, weird, in the 3rd pic, but other than that it look pretty swish. Nice job.
  20. I suspect a slight bit of srcasm. I think. Im not actually sure :/
  21. What the previous 2 posts said. DAMN THIS STUDENT LIFESTYLE.
  22. Weo, Mr.Green is not an actual person. Jeremiah, yes the game is unbalanced right now. Now, if you give Deluvas some fucking time to fix it, then things might get sorted out. Deluvas has been busy with making himself actual money right now, and its only since Tuesday that he's been able to work on the updates, and so far, he's made wraiths unbelieveably scary and poison headcrabs alot tougher to kill. And all these threads which simply whine about ZS with no decent ideas are really starting to annoy everyone, just focus it all into one goddamn topic. Also, I'd like to see you do better with coding, which you won't since I guess you haven't the foggiest about lua. Forums have a search box for a reason. /rant
  23. Museli Its actually not too bad to wake up to. (When I do actually have breakfast)
  24. You do know that no-one clicks the sponsored links? And that its the, in this case the one result you go for.
  25. Wut? No.
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