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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. Server side inventories is desperately needed for Minecraft to become hyped again
  2. Darkstar

    Fuck this photo!

    Merged the 3 posts.
  3. Stop posting the same answer over and over, this is sorted out now. It's clear that you CAN change you nick and still have your GC & Items. Locked to stop you all being parrots.
  4. "What are you working on?" A: Ideas for apps to make for Windows Mobile (6.5 or WP7) and/or Android.
  5. Also. This would make current donations dry up even more. The servers dont get paid for by air.
  6. They play at both places but on different days you tard.
  7. Swype just gets annoying for me after a while... But anyway, nice job
  8. Sorry, but going around our anti-cheat system to play on the server, it just screams no unban. TOPIC LOCKED.
  9. Ah, whatever, I will never play in that server anymore. I was just free and then I get banned again -.- Thanks SDK. Ryder. You were banned in the first place for airbreaking. Then you ask to be unbanned, we say no because you used cheats. You then use some way to get onto the server, AROUND the existing ban on your serial, and then continue to play on the server, you dont see this as a risk to us in the slightest?
  10. Dont try and get round a ban. You were banned for a reason. And now there's another reason.
  11. You do have to realise that we're a European community, I doubt that any of the European admins were awake at 5am GMT.
  12. Darkstar

    Admin app

    TOPIC LOCKED TO STOP THE SHITSTORM Bublin stop acting like an ass.
  13. You used cheats. We do not like cheaters. Cheaters never get unbanned. End of.
  14. Guys please report anyone you see gliching/hacking/cheating/spamming to our IRC or just post it on here, someone should see it and follow it up Oh, and pass this message onto other players in ZPS, thanks.
  15. There appears to be a lack of links in your posts son.
  16. Yeah, that was happening to me everytime I used my doors >:
  17. Can and have done.
  18. HTTP = HyperText Transmission Protocol (Its what your browser uses to view webpages and shizzle.)
  19. This happens to me alot, well, apart from the drowining bit.
  20. Darkstar

    Admin app

    Bublin try to use google translate please.
  21. If no-one has anything decent and ontopic to say, gtfo.
  22. Yeah, whichever day the saturday was, that was when I was there
  23. @Peon- I was there as well!
  24. Me and Burn are off on holiday for 16 days from today! Bye Bye. xxx
  25. Darkstar


    <fail post>
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