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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. Re-Opened Due to him opening his profile
  2. Bitch. </3 You just can't handle the truth
  3. Happy birthday my purple brother.
  4. How much does it cost per month btw? o: Also, good thing I stayed on 16k GC. Nice quoting there. What about my quoting? Its perfectly fine. No double quoting then editing my post and yours. Nope. None of that in the slightest. *walks off whistling*
  5. How much does it cost per month btw? o: Also, good thing I stayed on 16k GC. Also in offtopic news: Balmung sux
  6. I was on just now with Toaster and Stalker-Dude. Completely pwning them all and getting last human. :V
  7. My ISP did give me one Chiken, but its incredibly shit. And doesnt allot me to change many settings.
  8. Name some please, I need a decent one, preferably N upwards, as my current one (G), struggles to push the signal past 2 rooms. I was looking at a Linksys one, well two. http://www.linksysbycisco.com/UK/en/products/WRT320N http://www.linksysbycisco.com/UK/en/products/WRT610N But im open to other makes
  9. Oh dont worry. Im global admin remember, its gonna be fun adminning on IW again >: )
  10. Goddammit. I want TDU2 so bad. The first one was immense, was let down a bit by no damage, but it is a MMORG, so meh. But yeah, Im wanting this game badly.
  11. Fucking. You scared me again. Last topic you did like that made my pulse race.
  12. People who said happy birthday today, you do realise his birthday was 5 days ago? late wishes are late
  13. Toaster? Hard to kill? LIES. Just ask him how many times ive killed him and he's killed me.
  14. Locked the topic to stop all the abuse, dont worry your application will still be looked at
  15. Pfft. You just aren't trained in the art of pwning Sacrifical and Toaster.
  16. For the TF2 servers discussion see here please ->
  17. Besweeet, it would be preferred if you didnt straight up insult people of this community, Retard tries to be on the IRC as much as he can, but no-one is perfect, just look at Redgord But seriously, people cant be on the IRC 24/7 due to RL stuff. This is common with quite a few people. And besides, he isn't admin anymore, so you shouldn't have any problems with him anymore
  18. Darkstar

    Banned :(

  19. Darkstar

    Banned :(

    Wesker, you have to realise that you're in Venezuela, and the server is in The Netherlands.
  20. You clearly have not seen an Irish Wolfhound.
  21. You might want to do an announcement on the Mr.Green Steam group about this to get people on here.
  22. Sentry farms will reduce about a week after the update, but 32/32 is lag-tacular right now. Reducing it to 24 players would probably ease it a bit. And would enable you to see all the people on the scoreboard for once. But im not sure about a second PL server, sure you can get more players. But it might divide the players, im not sure, you would need them to come onto the forums to voice their opinions.
  23. *cough* blackmail photos *cough*
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