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Mr. Green Gaming


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About sibul1993

  • Birthday 11/15/1993

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  1. what about him.. this server is big part of my childhood and id do my best as a player to bring ppl to join.. not sure about the statistics* of that server but id like to hope that someone will invest their time into that server to bring it back alive *statistics- like at old zs were more ppl joining the server or it lost players over time
  2. Hello sibul1993 here from zs if u remember i still love the old zs where u get guns after killing some amount of zombies when we did get the supply thing then it was kinda oke also (almost what i wanted). I was 1 of the most active members.. not the best tho ..2nd who reached lv 70 but then there happened some data loss and i lost many perks from shop and then i kinda quit playing+ league of legends took over ... but i always find my way back to zs.. I would still play the zs even if id play alone there just to make ppl see that there is someone playing and they may want to join... but sadly i just don't like the class system at all... i rly loved that server and id still spend my time at that server to make this server rise from ashes... just plz remove the class thing all the best
  3. ffs snow.... i fking hate snow... and its almost summer.... ugh

    1. eatmychildren


      lemme smash my guy where you at

  4. hey Im Ardo from Estonia... old mr.green zs player (when that server was alive) good old times... <3
  5. damn i miss mr.green zs.... sad that server is dead :/

    1. r0cK


      Come and join the MTA community hehe :P

    2. r0cK


      MTA is a survivor! ! ! !


  6. i miss old zs.. necrosin come back to ZS :S

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Reiska


      yo nigga how many times we have to go over this

    3. Snotteh


      reiska its part of necrossin's curse if old zs isnt mentioned in a certain amount of time everyone who played it gets stabbing pains in there asshole and blood comes out

    4. Raptor


      ... Seems legit

  7. i think i quit playng ZS... sry guys...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. sibul1993


      i played it... don't like it much... :S

    3. rui_troia


      necrossin is a bad berzerker

    4. lame shot
  8. my mouse is broken so maybe i will be back tomorrow....

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. sibul1993


      hehe no ur fine without me

    3. rui_troia


      cum bak m8 I miss you'

    4. sibul1993


      ohh.... maybe this weekend but i don't promise anything

  9. when he gets admin then it will be rly funny to play with him gl
  10. ty damien luck is that what i need
  11. 85-90% had 1 mistake
  12. Gameserver: mr.green zombie survival Age: 19 Country of origin: Estonia (under finland and next to the russia) Link to Steam Community profile *: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060545361 Minecraft name **: don't have Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: im Ardo and i love mr green zombie survival server mr.green one is the best. i played in this server at 2009 but then my acc got hacked and now i got g mod again and i can play in this server again. im rly active player minimum time i play is 2-3 h per day and max is 24 h. i decided to try to get admin cause i want that everyone have good game without cadebreakers and wont get stuck and die... my only bad side is not rly exelent english (my eng is like from 100% 85-99%) sooo keep fighting against zombies and stay cool urs sibul
  13. 1 game more and i will go to sleep... after 1 game... 1 game more and i will go to sleep

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