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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by MiF

  1. Just played for a first time and someone shot me unconcious during my first five minutes.

    When I woke up he shot me again

    Accurate representation.


    more to come?

    That sums it up pretty much yeah :V. Epic posing like always

  2. Triple post yay! New Day Z patch ( within 2 hours:

    Current Changelog:

    * [FIXED] Server item cleanup error (thanks Dwarden for identifying)

    * [FIXED] Server weighted random object error (thanks Dwarden for identifying)

    * [REVERT] 5 second delay for disconnecting (will need to wait till new method developed)

    * [REVERT] Disabling of interior raycasting (will mean some buildings you will be invisible/can't be hit in for the moment as they don't have view LODs)

    * [REVERT] Infected sight based on head not body direction (infected glace around alot, this meant that they had super view directions. Now locked at body direction)

    * [FIXED] Area not checked for existing infected before spawning new ones ("blind faith" that it had not made a mistake didn't work)

    * [FIXED] Crippling performance issues caused by loot items never being cleaned up (loot now cleaned up)

    * [FIXED] Tent pitching (Who the hell codes tent location checks TWICE before pitching? Oh apparently I do)

    * [NEW] Marakov spawn rate increased

    * [NEW] Small chance Mararov ammo will spawn on an infected

    * [FIXED] Converting magazines didn't work if you had MORE than one of that magazine type (now works as intended)

    * [NEW] Tweaked audibility and visibility values for kneel walking

    * [REVERT] Secret nerf of prone (you noticed)

    * [NEW] Can select gender for each new character

    * [FIXED] Toolboxes aren't spawning (classname error in loot table)

    * [NEW] Small tweaks to AI zombie routines to improve performance

    * [REVERT] New spawn timer mechanism (back to the old one for now)

    This should fix several issues. Plus you can now choose your gender for each new character, makes a lot more sense. (Edit: apparently character selection is temporary. It was bugged (female reverted to male) so now Rocket made it available for every new character until he fixes the system)

    Oh great. I just looted a barracks before this patch came, and what I found (prob looted before me tho): Empty tin cans and 3 makarovs with tons of ammo for them ._.

  3. Managed to grab a bit of food and drinks before I logged off. Zombies are terribly annoying now. You can't even safely crawl through locations any more, they spot you easily.

    Stop complaining about the zombies, it's a zombie survival mod, not a fucking deathmatch mod with some zombies in it as some people seem to think.

    That's not my point. The zombies are bordering on unfair at this point. Any new player is going to scared away from this game real easily if he doesn't get a proper shot at surviving. All you spawn with is a bandage, painkillers and a flashlight ffs. Even when I try to be careful I end up attracting a horde. I've also heard people complain about instant zombie respawns when they try to shoot their way through.

    Also Rocket said there will be a hotfix for some fps and zombie line-of-sight issues within 6 hours.

    Well it has been like that in 1.7. I only shot one bullet inside town with AMK accidently, and I ended up staying inside house and killing zombies that come in, and then respawn couple seconds later. I couldn't get out without disconnecting.

  4. Dynamic daytime system is rather nice, but sometimes it's just pain in the arse when you want to play DayZ on your favorite server (where you can join / which doesn't lag etc) and it's starting to get night there... You can only see sky, some starts and ground is pitch black. I would have died (twice) today if my friend weren't there with NV goggles.

  5. I've never encountered a hacker in the 90 hours I've put in this game now. Weird server shit did happen now and then though, but it never compromised my character data unless it was an actual bug (like the ocean spawning after you switch clothing). It wouldn't surprise me if there are quite elaborate hacks though, the game is largely client-authorative meaning the server only syncs data between clients and clients do stuff like registering hits. This allows for far a lot of players on a single server (even though the engine isn't a beacon of optimization), yet hackers have a lot of options to fuck shit up. BattleEye is Arma 2's anti-cheat system, much like Punkbuster. I don't really know how effective it is, but it's nothing more than another obstacle for hackers to tackle.

    From what I heard BattleEye isn't great AC system, can be easily bypassed. Hope they are going to do something about those client side things, since somebody could even make OPK hack (one-point-kill, AKA mass kill hack), and that... well it would suck, but it would be detected easily too.

    Couple days ago I was playing on very laggy server. There were no zombies much, and very little loot (tho you were able to pick them up quite fast), but people.... I saw a lot of people lagged and running animation, and I just looted their backpacks for stuff and left them be. Of course karma stroke in, and I got killed by 'nothing' 20mins later when I was hiding in a bush.

  6. Reap3r stop suggesting every single action you can think of if you yourself even say you're not giving good advice. You're just wasting his time. I suggest Silver Dot to ask and search around on the Day Z forum.

    sorry :<

    Anyways, baked my gpu, it will last for some more weeks,

    but sadly guys, i have to give you some sad news:


    Got an m249SAW.

    Prepare your anusses.

    Doesn't that ghillie suit cause you to spawn to ocean? Or do you take it always off before disconnecting? And LMG isn't really good weapon against players (unless you get to rather close range and they haven't spotted you), I still think rifles are better if you know how to aim well :V

  7. what you could try, is running windows in safe mode with netwerk enabled, then try it out.

    There are alot of things that can be interferring with arma 2, so please list your computer specifications too.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but AFAIK safe mode doesn't support games (Doesn't run DirectX etc).

    Also Silver. I have this problem too sometimes, not connected to any certain time of a day tho. It seems to be server's problem sometimes, and sometimes rebooting Arma2 works for me.

  8. Joined FI2 server today. It managed to get past all those receiving data and loading things, but FPS was terrible for me at least (around 5-10). Anyways, friend managed to take this pic: Picture

    Easter egg or what? Take a look at pic below




    Dear mother of god o.o... Altho this can break the idea of the game a bit. Map itself on internet was already bit cheaty, and this just makes it even worse. But still cool.

  10. More material on Crysis 3

    Hmmm looks interesting, but this trailer doesn't show much "sandboxy" side of the game if there is one. But still it looks better game than most FPSes (to me), so I don't regret pre-ordering this game.

  11. Game idea is fascinating and it's fun when it works, but FPS drops and this stuff... Well good it's just Alpha :V

    Arma 2 seems to be a bit heavy on the AI because when I'm running around in the forest alone it's fine but when I reach a town with zombies in it my FPS drops a bit.

    What cpu's you guys got ?

    If it's the alpha causing the fps drop I think I wont buy it untill it's fixed.

    I rage quit from fps drops and lagg spikes that's why I had to buy a new pc (I smashed it into tiny bits)

    Intel i7 930 @2.8GHz here, + lots of other people are having the same problem and say it's because of the mod. 1.7 SHOULD fix some of these FPS drops, but I haven't been able to join a game after I downloaded 1.7... It gets stuck at "Loading" or "Receiving Data"

  12. Okey so I bought Arma 2 : CO and installed DayZ (1.6 because my friends play it atm, but I bet we will change to 1.7 soon). My first lives in this game:

    1. Spawned near Kamyshovo, and died couple minutes later when I tried to sneak past the town, but zombies noticed me. I killed the one chasing me, but of course whole town was after me and I died. Derp

    2. Managed to stay alive, travelled in forest and met up with my friends 20mins later. We did rather well, untill we wen't to some sort of old power plant. We found some food and things there, but then suddenly I glitched through the wall and fell enough to break my bones and make me unconsious. Ugh.

    3. We managed to stay alive longer, but after we got to Elektro city thing, my FPS dropped to 10 and didn't manage to shot anything. We survived rather long, but eventually gave up.

    Game idea is fascinating and it's fun when it works, but FPS drops and this stuff... Well good it's just Alpha :V

  13. Hmm does CryTek support 225KM2 maps? or 128 player slots?

    Any engine can with sufficient tweaking. In the end it's all just code.

    It is possible true, but it would need BIG changes to the engine, because with current things (how it calculates movements etc) there is simply not enough powers to run that. Don't even know if the engine itself can handle it.

    But yeah. I would drool over game like that (Cryengine level graphics/fysics, and gamearea size of Arma) :V

  14. o.o... I thought Arma wouldn't get any better. I tried normal ArmaII once and liked it, but never bought it myself... But this mod man... Just seems so brilliant

  15. I don't play MC anymore, but I still think you people should wait till 1.3 comes out. Because if (IF) map gets reseted now, and 1.3 comes, some of the players, if not the most of them, will want map reset because of possible new features. Besides, it has been like this so far and it has worked fine.


    These aren't permanent solutions, but it will be nice for a few days.

    And Juan, for you.


    Do I spot a brony?

  16. Wait... What... I have been getting closer and closer to Clavus? Don't ya use one keyboard in a week, and then change it after your older one broke down because of overusing?

  17. Why are they even spamming server like that... I would understand if someone wants attention, or if somebody uses multiple accounts to hack on certain server. This spamming is just annoying to people on server and useless to who does it... Oh well. Not the biggest jerks in the world.

  18. Looking forward to this game. They say it's going to be more sandboxy so that's always a good thing.

    If it's even little bit more sandboxy than Crysis 2, I am looking forward to it too. Crysis 2 was rather good FPS game. I just hope they don't make it worse. Also good multiplayer would be nice (like that alien site capturing thing in Crysis. THAT was nice)

    Also. Dat bow :3

  19. Not really playing MC, but I would say no. As Darkness said, in week with intense gaming you get ~1000gc (depends on your skills ofc) in TF2, and with intense I mean 5 hours per day at least. This would ruin idea of GC. Also it would make donations bit pointless, so I am pretty sure Clavus won't accept this (at least with those numbers).

    We have to play like a week on Zombie Survival sometimes to get 1000 gc.

    Ehm srly? and maybe under?

    In TF2 1000gc takes a looooong ass time to get

    It used to be rather fast to get it in pl/cp server, but those died :\

  20. About the minigame/fun server. It'll probably return someday.

    Deathmatch is also related to my interests. But the thing is we need to pay around ~ 130 euros (ontop of the current machines already) per month to allow new gameservers.

    Dem... And Clavuses wallet is tad empty atm because of MC/server update xD... Fun/MG server would nice tho, even i would start up my CSS just to play it again.

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