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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by TimbukTurnip

  1. I mainly noticed there is someone's pointing hand above "Damien's" head XD
  2. shoe hacks
  3. i have no idea, but maybe you have too many background programs running? i normaly get messages like that when too much stuff is happening at once
  4. USBs FTW in fact i used a USB to upload these pictures, as i couldnt be bothered to get out my canon and find my camera photo uploaderer thingy, so i took these with my phone ^^ Messy =] My phone wasn't sideways, thats just the way my study was built. And i took the first picture with the phone on its side so it looked right. what? that isn't weird.
  5. As a random note, Gordon Brown's initials are GB, and America now has a president with the middle name Hussain and a last name very close to Osama. but he's awesome, why cant we have him instead of GB D:
  6. yes, i said UK wasnt a country before, thats why im calling it a mini continent =]
  7. yeah, but which is quicker to say? =] how about a mini-continent?
  8. my comp was fine, even after it was completely wiped (many viruses) gmod worked fine,even with a full server, there was no lag, until about december or around it. i think there might have been a gmod update and it happened after the update, but i dont think it gets worse every update, just randomly every now and then
  9. that looks familiar actually wonder if any sharks were be attracted by the blood 0.o
  10. I only have 5 pictures of mr green, 2 taken accidentaly and the other one not show here is the same as the second picture, but with me shooting the zombie (for the lawls) Meleeing zombies through the door near the end of the round, i got the most i think ^^ I dont know how it got there, i just took a picture of it
  11. ok i mounted cs:s and other stuff that for some reason had unmounted, thats fine now. but i still might soon reinstall gmod or whatever to see if i can sort out the fps lag troubles.
  12. yeah it is very laggy it's really annoying when you're a zombie and you attack someone who's right in front of you, if not inside you (soft collision wise) and they take no damage, typicaly because they suddenly disappear and are actually outside the room or whatever. same goes for knife too.
  13. A lot of you probably know(from my continuous complaining) about my current fps lag problem that has recently appeared (maybe a month or so ago) now i have a bigger problem - it seems gmod doesnt want to use CS:S stuff anymore D: I have no idea why, i've never even played CS:S, though i do have it of course. But it just doesnt want to use it anymore. Heres some screenshots to show what i mean On Mr Green, my USP is invisible 0.o Deathrun - Not good to get a migrain while trying to survive Anyone have any advice/suggestions that could help me?
  14. well i have done and always will choose the side of the pie, and hate cake, despite the fact i dont like pie and i eat cake.

    i have a whole story of the war thing with the Pie v cake

  15. teh lawls last level key is "theend"
  16. Giant Bomb.com?

    Nope sorry never heard of it, why do you ask?

  17. yay im not alone though its still a bad thing, at least its not just me and my only recently lagging computer
  18. i would love this but there is no USB port or anything liek that 0.o
  19. But as a star wars fan i am all about the dark side (as my sig shows) so should be drawn towards it. it seems more neutral and bland and boring than light or dark 0.o
  20. i keep watching these on youtube, they're funyn as hell i watched them earlier today in fact also, what exactly do you do in DarkRP? ive joined a server before but it just seems to be sandbox
  21. ok back on topic then Getting people to make maps together sounds like a good idea, but wouldnt that also be a bit difficult to organise and such?
  22. like Clav said, we already have a load of maps, one wont make a difference.
  23. i started to learn how to make maps, and i have a sort of plan of one, though everything i want requires knowledge of LUA, and i dont know what LUA stands for, if anything. but i have too much school work. . . and not enough follow through to do anything
  24. hehe ^.^
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