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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by theMOROCCANguy

  1. I choose Ravebreak because the other Ravebreak sucks. The vote was a tough choice to be fair.
  2. This is not so true :3
  3. multiply your age by 13837,then multiply the result by 73.HACKS

  4. talk to each other.
  5. Oldschool DM is easier for mrgreen.
  6. theMOROCCANguy


    Nice! Mine: June:Finals July:Gonna go to the beach plenty of times and go to tanger,north of morocco,you can see spain from there. August:I'm maybe going to Dubai for like 10 days,(hunt for camels and camel toes lol). About festivals,I've been in avicii concert yesterday and going to Maroon 5's one aswell in the 6th of june,that's all what I'm going to get. Not a bad summer.
  7. Yes I'm not involved but just lemme tell borz something غض بصرك يا جدعان
  8. if you want to play and have fun at mix join it at midnight gmt +1 or just late at night when all turkish faggotty kababs are asleep,nts gets replayed 3 times and shooter maps get played once or twice for DD
  9. girl are you from holland because amsterdayuuuuum

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reiska


      cause you have tulips and weed up your ass

    3. HeArTBeaT


      Really nigga?

    4. warp.


      ohh, ass weed, the best weed you can get

  10. same here sup guys.
  11. Lol was never waiting for such thing to get added.
  12. 40C yesterday and 35C today,fuck school we're off to the beach

  13. I can still remember killing you after you camped for a while and complained,alot,about it,writing topics and all kind of stuff,but it got ignored And i'm sure the same thing will happen about all this,you should be happy you're not banned permanently.
  14. Why give us votekick when you can give simple kick command..
  15. The cake part? Or the part about a new map manager? Or both? CAKE
  16. Good luck Titten baba
  17. Give Killers ability to start a vote kick or just give us the kick command. only way to solve this.
  18. only happens when killers are.
  19. Other things=gta 5
  20. I see he killed you for the reason "Noob" wich is obviously rage killing some-one.Maybe he was not on his mood and he ended up doing that,I don't play on race when mosh is playing so I cannot judge his way of killing blockers or anyone.
  21. you think we got bunch of wonases playing? there are just bunch of kebabs.
  22. I'm not so active these days/weeks,need to work for school for the rest of the semester,till july,but i'm gonna keep playing for some few hours.

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