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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by theMOROCCANguy

  1. wtf i bet u wouldnt like it if it happened to u I would simply pick myself a better network,i've seen people with 200ish ping from Argentina.
  2. Tried to kick another guy,not sure if timed out or still loading,it gives me "player name invalid" (look at the chat) and as you can tell he won the round yet without doing nothing
  3. Well,today DD loaded even before the vote starting ( yes even without getting the vote),but just when DD started the vote popped up and showed play again and RTF options,and DD got skipped,simply WTF.
  4. 8 for the chicks
  5. By the way,if that's you in the picture you've got quite a nice hair.
  6. Fuck beer,those tits tho
  7. They are able to take 1st place. I do kick them when 4th rank come so the other alive players can win GCs. And the loading player can rejoin again. Because it's unfair for other players,the loading player stays stuck in the air as you see in the screenshot,so he wins without doing nothing. and what's even worse is that anyone can votekick..
  8. As you can tell by the title /votekick is fucked up as everyone can use /votekick to kick players (look at the chat) Also when I try to kick players that are still loading,players vote for [No],and if i go to kick another player that is still loading it says you should wait 2 minutes,why not simply give mods /kick ?
  9. As long as shooter gets skipped i would like that it stays as it is for now.
  10. Paki boi you've actually done it,CONGRAAAAAAAAAAAAATS <3
  11. Well okay.
  12. It is actually a player cuz i see chat bubbles above their heads here's 2 screenshots of a ped rollin'
  13. Good ping limit,BYE MATRIX
  14. It's not race_ghost,because I see it everyday on shooter in mix server,and when i shoot the ped i also die and some player says in the chat : "KMZ",so the ped is a player if that makes sense.
  15. Nice guy with a good sense of humour,I see you alot in race server Good luck,vriend PS: I always vote 2 and like your maps <3
  16. Don't you think you should wait a bit of time to make another topic? other than that you're active,seem to be a nice guy but you sometimes lose control Good luck,megasito.
  17. So today,i've been playing in RACE server,whilst playing,some players said the button to change the spawn before the map start "3" is bugged,so I tried it and pressed 3 before the map start and I found that when any player presses the button it sends him to San Fierro,with a sultan (no matter what car the map uses)
  18. But what happens when nobody can win? AGA is easy as fuck,everyone can finish it. destiny 1 and 2 are never going to get deleted cuz you cant finish them,yes,you need skills to do it,and you're lacking them.
  19. MIX [NTS]Ready for action by emi.
  20. Sprint is always ramming me and other players when we're racing,but ramming is allowed,and I guess that's what he did to you no need to add him to blockers since he isn't one.
  21. Hey,you thought you're gonna leave without saying goodbye?
  22. They are already going in collisionless mode (or get killed on mix in cerntain modes), no need to kick anyone. Although the detection scripts could use some improvements indeed. I think we should, indeed, stop caring about slow-loading people. Does it really matter if they start later? It's not like they ever finish in one of the first positions. I agree, but to what point slow loading becomes slow loading. I think wooozie started complaining about it since the names were added so you could see who is still loading into race, before that people did not really care that much. Correct me if i'm wrong. Players start complaining about waiting for player cuz they think it has changed in someway,infact,it just shows the names now,it's the same old script afaik,the old one just didn't show names. And please,lower the ping limit to 250,yesterday a guy with 300 ping killed me on DD with a fucking bike while i had a car...
  23. It is an absolute nightmare to play against these pings.
  24. I have mixed feelings about this.
  25. New achievements : Race: Finish the map i wanna face my destiny : 100 gcs Win the map i wanna face my destiny: 200 gcs Mix: Kill a player on DD or SH and make him rage quit : 100 gcs inspired from tf2.
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