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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by theMOROCCANguy

  1. meh good luck
  2. I played on a popular MTA server wich has this "perk" but its free,you just press a button and its done,3k is too overpriced for a useless perk
  3. So I went with my friends to hang out today and left my pc open, my smaller brother decided to have a day off and started playing on mta,then he killed mad when he was going to duel with a player in a DD map (I didn't know about it till i saw besweet's screenshots on screenshot + video thread) I'm not a beginner,I've been holding these rights since like 2 and half years,i think I'm well experienced and i'm not that childish (like my 9 yo brother) to do such action. You can revoke the rights or anything,but I just want to be unbanned to play on mrgreen. Regards =) GUY. PS: Mad you can't ban me twice for a thing i didn't do,first you ban me for 3 hours,than for 7 days,lol?
  4. Do a ban appeal Guy with evidence to proove otherwise I will talk to you in-game when my ban ends,it says 9 mins remaining.
  5. Who the fuck used my nick to keep killing mad someone please unban me since it wasn't me killing mad,and i wouldn't do it whatsoever,i was out all day long EDIT: It was my brother,apologize to you mad.
  6. Interesting, because a lot of lower pings do the same , blocking us, ( and i think don't care where you are from if u do that stupid things on the game ) or trying something like that, and the pathetic collision mode is so retard, because if we are playing other player with low ping hit us and pull us out of the map. So if it's to have it , it must be activated for us too , he suffered from your lags,not your behaviors.
  7. Should be fairly obvious seeing in what section it has been posted in. LOL i just saw it in the latest posts section
  8. Okay so what you trying to say ?
  9. my eyes hurt
  10. This bug was never fixed even tho SDK said he fixed it what's even more annoying is that I can only kick 1 player in 2 minutes, usually there are couple of them and they end up winning the map.
  11. Happy birthday to me

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tuco-Lone-Star-Rider


      Happy bday even when I'm late

    3. theMOROCCANguy
    4. BoyKa


      Happy Birthday Guy see you on the Server to play :) :)

  12. Im aware there's nothing you can do about it,if you remove names you can still recognize players with their pjs,and if you remove pjs than the pj perk will mean nothing then.
  13. Why am I not in the hate list FFS AND DONT YOU DARE INSULT BINSLAYER YOU TWAT
  14. Stroth what have you done to people's map editor
  15. RACE skcrollerfaughster needs gm.
  16. yo its mr.steel your girl lol jk,good luck r0ck,only saw you once ingame but still,you seem to be a nice guy good luck again
  17. I played a map of you in race server some days ago and i find it really entertaining but I think that the blown up tires should only last for 10 secs,not till the end of the map or until you pick a marker and get a repair other than that its all good
  18. Entertaining...
  19. Bloody fucking hackers
  20. Good luck flippy!!! visca barca !!!
  21. Bye.
  22. if there's some gamemode that is gonna be added to the server it should be original and unique
  23. Happy Birthday mate !
  24. The event was a bit all over the place but we still had fun
  25. Happy birthday Mrgreen,looking forward for the event today,see yall later
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