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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by /////AMG

  1. DM maps are "harder". If you go to an unknown server to play DM you wont finish the maps without dying many times. The trick of this gamemode is to learn how to play the map, once you get it it will be fun. Basically i like some RTF that are in the server that are "easy DMs" the difference is just the flag changed to the hunter... Well in DM many players can get hunter and fight till death and the map doesnt finish until everybody dies or kinda, i've tried some different DM modes... If we add DM it will just be inside de RTF mode. Remind the people that this server is f***ing especial and has gamemodes that never existed in any other server so if we are going to add DM make it unique, singular, MrGreenOnly... You know where I'm going.
  2. I would also like it with some changes and since that gamemode was hated for almost everybody i vote to play it just when someone buys it, like it was a few months after they removed it from the game cycle. For example, make it avaliable for 100 GCs or even less and then when someone wants to play it let him buy it and play it. If nobody buys it, nobody will play it. To be honest like Kali I also didnt like it so much.
  3. Good luck gibede****!
  4. Good luck again Edo!
  5. Good luck Dub!
  6. Good luck Sky!
  7. Good luck Bola
  8. Good Luck Farto!
  9. Good luck Guy!
  10. 3:44 was just to hilarious for me.
  11. Top 5 and top 8 hax
  12. How long have you been away?
  13. it would be nice if we could see the another player nitro color, instead of just all having the color we choose Example. I choose yellow, another player chooses blue and i can see diferent nitro colours in my own screen.
  14. I still dont get anything about this pic Besweet i also went mad and set 10000 clip distance and my pc lagged way too hard with fps near just around 20 at race starts The pic shows the new /settings shader effects (car shader, water shader, bloom, etc.). Oooooh lol I didnt notice a diferent thing since i enabled all those things months ago and got used to it. Except chromed wheels which are very nice and clip distance wich should include a message below saying that a high clip distance may drop FPS, so use it carefully. And default clip is.... whatever it is in case someone wants to restore to default settings.
  15. I still dont get anything about this pic Besweet i also went mad and set 10000 clip distance and my pc lagged way too hard with fps near just around 20 at race starts
  16. agree. Some known player are asked sometimes to kick someone while the only thing they can do is kill. Muting is needed way more than thinked.
  17. How about Paysafe. in my country you just go into a ciber cafe and ask for the ammount that you want, and they give you a ticket with a pin number.
  18. Thank You guys!
  19. this topic is where you just put funny or interesting screenshots or videos ingame. and then we simply talk about it. (or not)
  20. Please fix the /freecam. It aint working
  21. Good guy Aleks help those poor guys who cant talk english. But how the hell did they even start a topic if they cant manage to understand english properly.?
  22. isnt a paintjob Then what the hell is it?
  23. Sorry but the idea is not good. What would happen if you dont kill and run out of shots? and everyone runs out of shots? It would be like DD.... in a huge map without anywhere to fall... No simply just NO.
  24. I want it Kali!!! I've been looking for that paintjob by the way another reason i want kill rights. As some may know the player is Afro_7 which usually camps a lot and blocks many times.
  25. Thanks Dub and Crash
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