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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by /////AMG

  1. is it a paintjob or a effect?
  2. lol aleks, seriously?
  3. Good luck crash
  4. Good luck!
  5. Thanks Edo
  6. I think it was Ywa today who made a few changes. I have to say they are all good except of the one in DD, where the car change countdown is now missing and the 5 seconds message overlaps with the killed by message.
  7. Hello Edo, even though i respect you a lot, i have to say that you have to improve your english as it confuses me while reading it. I'll fix it for you. Hi all, I have one idea which is to add random cars in SH like DD, but without bikes, and add a vote cmd, making it funnier. This is EdoCadovski's idea. (I think he wants the random stuff stuff votes like in DD where only spectating players can vote.)
  8. Thank you guys.
  9. Gameserver:MTA MIX race server Age:20 Update to 21 now. Country of origin:Spain Link to Steam Community profile *:none Minecraft name **:none Languages able to communicate in: English and spanish. Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Hello, I've been playing in this server now for a long while and i would like to help the server in some way to reduce the caos its caused sometimes by some players. I'm not asking to be an admin, but I would like just to ask some rights like muting or killing cmds to avoid unfair playing.
  10. Good Luck!
  11. Perfect
  12. great from Retard to do this but other admins haven't been in-game for a while and said nothing... The moments I really need them, they are never online. And I'm sure many players will understand me.
  13. I just want the names back in DD/SH
  14. Not a good idea because when racing you come into contact with other drivers all the time, which isn't the same as blocking. So i could see a situation in which yr banned just for racing. Part of the problem is that only people from Europe seem to be the only admins ever added i usually play from 8pm(USA east coast time) on and off till around 4am and never once see a admin. There you go, the answer, plus lag makes contact with another cars too.
  15. Sincerelly not a good idea. Also in Mix there are a lot of teamkillers, blockers and spammer, yeah a lot of that last one. I suggest like Bin more admins and also give the /k cmd to players that are very active.
  16. that exists in some servers if you die you have a room-like place where dead players spawn and can play Sh with another dead players. In that way Sh can be changed into whatever.
  17. everytime someone joins late or reconnects on that map that happens...
  18. where the hell is SDK and why doesnt he say anything.... or fix it....
  19. what 95%??? its 99% of people who doesnt like it, the other 1% is just people who didnt even notice.
  20. SDK, nobody likes what you are trying in DD/SH....
  21. what is this threat? whatever it is make it 5 now
  22. Thanks, ill see and tell you if anything is wrong.
  23. well is not working properly for me... got kicked for high ping and then it gets disabled.
  24. I totally agree, they are almost all of them campers spammers and ofc noobs kamikazes and just anoying
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