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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by /////AMG

  1. is there any way that in the mix server the /mode kmh doesnt get disabled when changing maps?
  2. Bounce!
  3. Goldbergs ping lol Myself stuck inside a wall... Photofinish missing... Same time Crash finishing outside the time limit Much kills while afk lol This turns into.... this... Faggio Speeding as hell. and /lol warp Thats all folks
  4. today i noticed, the time countdown is missing in DD
  5. hmmm... Please add the speedo, the one with numbers... and bring the fps display back please. EDIT: And the altimeter when in-planes.
  6. whos BonJovi? I like the idea but, what would this replace? SH, CTF...?
  7. there was a time where NTS was the most amazing thing and everybody than joined mix just wanted to play this mode, but now you guys just want to get rid of NTS? If you like DD or SH there is absolutely an amazing amount of servers that have that, but NTS, how many servers has NTS mode? And about the limit, I think yes there should be one but if a player buys maps is because he wants to play them, and he has to spend quite a big amount of GCs, something many players cant even get if it wasnt for those modes they hate so much like CTF, if you win you get 13 GCs! C'mon thats a lot for newbies.
  8. Updated with myself inside.
  9. why are you double posting this again?
  10. pros sometimes fail.
  11. i agree but with its cons... Lag, a lot of that.
  12. so it is that today i was spectating a cheater in race and thank god that didnt exist, he didnt knew he was being watched
  13. it was normal in NTS only but not after the map was over skyblue
  14. Why do I always miss this days....
  15. If any map maker is reading this please put the "turn on/off" command linked to the M button please! not Z or X either N
  16. lol with that idea i imagine a player playing to death the last day of the year to leave his name on the top box. LOL
  17. The topìc where i used to put the cycle suggestion is gone i think it was something like NTS->RTF->DD->CTF->SH->NTS... Still i didnt even bother looking how the newone looks as my brains seems to ignore it as its fine.
  18. ggg same as the AMG history, damn i missed that moment.
  19. some maps have helis and were designed so the lucky players that spawned in special spawns could get them and get some advantage on their team. For example theres a map where you can get a seasparrow but atm its useless to get it as you cant shoot or do anything with it.
  20. please stop double posting your videos. We already have the screenshot + video thread
  21. agree. please enable it.
  22. Fall and Slide? Rise of the devil (Powermooses like that) any prisioner map.... OMGWTFBBQ!! - WRP Dogshit DD some of the new markers maps.
  23. look at 1:12 in video... ?? "SHUT THE FUCK UP"
  24. /////AMG


    In Race there are dimensions for going to point A to point B Meanwhile in MIX if we get to play DD or RTF or SH, it would be a chaos as dimensions would do nothing to help the gameplay and sometimes even 50 players is way too much for this kind of maps.
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