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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Pufulet

  1. There was never a "war". I still see it as my duty to make sure the mod functions (which it does) but I have too many responsibilities to continue developing the mod like a hobby. Majority of regulars have moved on to other games and the other zombie survival communities have soaked up the remaining player base for this game type.
  2. Update: Christmas = false
  3. Hefty Update: Rebuilt human and zombie HUD. Rebuilt weapon selection system, try to carry as much as you want. Added a weight system. Rebalanced ALL weapons. New accuracy system in place. Several bug fixes. Minor performance increase and improved efficiency of mod. Updated proximity mines. All humans now start with fists. Any bugs or comments on the new changes please let me know.
  4. For any of you who still care, I released an update of the following changes: Various undead classes are more resilient. Updated how speed/falling is handled. Overall should feel better. This covers damage and how fast you can run. Updated several weapons. Updated several class perks. Fixed the bug where c4 could get secondary ammo. Ammo pack now throws 1 unified ammo type that grants ammo to the player's current held weapon. Double HP should be applied properly to the first zombies now. Scaled SP requirements for new tiers to be harder to obtain. All pistols are more effective to balance the change above.
  5. Great choice of map to showcase with it.
  6. Reported for elitism.
  7. Who is that.
  8. Violent discussion? You're dumb. Feel free to express your thoughts and ideas on the mod, don't be a bitch when someone questions you. It's called a debate.
  9. If I believe something will cause harm, I will challenge the person who said it.
  10. It's not a flaw. It's a design decision that has been there for years. If he wants to change it then so be it. Stop calling existing features flaws/bugs.
  11. The zombie that dealt the most damage becomes boss. The best zombie becomes boss.
  12. These are bad ideas.
  13. When you first started on the 3.0 base there shouldn't of been any bugs though even though I did stumble on some damage related ones. When you first meleed props or zombies did you get server-side errors?
  14. In my opinion, you shouldn't "notify" anything to the developer while in game unless it's actually important such as "the button doesn't work" or "This gun has infinite ammo". Spamming them with balance queries such as "This class is too weak" or "You should give this zombie a third testicle" are purely annoying since the developer will most likely forget or throw it out the window. Keep your changes that you think are best to the respective topics and give valid reasoning as to why this should be like this and what issues it would cause otherwise. Again, this is just my two cents and I felt sorry for Duby when we were testing. It's these quick suggestions with minimal thought that will ruin the mod. The main culprit knows exactly who he is. I have no authority in what goes on and frankly don't want to get involved with this project apart from help Duby with what he wants and make sure people don't abuse his kindness.
  15. Once you release the mod and are happy with the base, just let me know and I can create pull requests and add all the extra content for you to use.
  16. Be very wary of changing weapon stats. They have been carefully balanced over the course of years. I would suggest not updating them until release and slowly learn what weapons are always used and what are ignored.
  17. Purely for people who will read this, can you paragraph your text and remove the image? I can't focus on reading a block. Thanks.
  18. If you don't want me to then just say.
  19. I'm guessing you're using GitHub for your repository. If you want, I can create a pull request and implement my supply drop with the flare gun as well as my class database which Rob taught me how to do. Basically allows you to store xp, points and whatever for each player on the server with no SQL. The least I can do.
  20. Resupply box is the only way to get limited reliable ammo, otherwise you better be quick. Or you could share.
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