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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Pufulet

  1. Priority Todo List: [High Priority] Fix redeeming (no initial human spawn) and not getting desired loadout.[Medium Priority] Fix some text not scaling on new loadout screen.[Low Priority] Medic PerksFlow-9 Seconds healing cooldown-80% healing powerTransfusionHealing an undead with the medical kit does (10 + healing power) damage and converts to medical ammo.Add Pulse Rifle MK2 (Braindawg) https://www.dropbox.... Rifle.txt?dl=0Add BoomstickUpdate ammo box entitiyHold only 1 type of ammo.Update model depending on the type of ammo.Set how much ammo the entity can have else use the give ammo pack function.Add health vial entityReplace all health vials with a vial that stores medical ammo.Do something with batteries.Create a new endgame screen.MOUSE2 to throw stuff at zombies while holding them.RELOAD to unnail props while holding the hammer.Add further leveling of some sorts (prestige).Update game time mechanics:0:45 end timeDisable new humans after warm up time * 2Disable redemption after warm up time + 12 minutes (add message "all chances at redemption are over)"
  2. - Updated Turret - Increased turret base ammo capacity 80->100. - Turrets now regenerate ammo while active at half the speed. - Turrets will automatically turn off to regenerate when depleted. - Humans can now only pickup and place turrets (removed disabling them). - Added a turret perk for close quarters.
  3. I will test it this week and I may upload it on the weekend.
  4. - Updated Blood Spawner.- Creating a spawner will start out as a blood ball (50 health).- After 12 seconds the ball explodes into a spawner (120 health). http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/543048106421003062/771310DAB60C7D4C8979A20DA59FD6F75EEC4ED3/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/543048106421003314/3220EE72F485216909CB5FBDC50578DA655D46A0/
  5. Priority Todo List: [High Priority] Add 10 second dormant time for blood spawners.[Medium Priority] TurretsRemove ability to turn off turrets.USE to pickup turret.Automatically switch on/off when no ammo.Fix redeeming with no proper loadout.Fix some text not scaling on new loadout screen.[Low Priority] Medic PerksFlow-9 Seconds healing cooldown-80% healing powerTransfusionHealing an undead with the medical kit does (10 + healing power) damage and converts to medical ammo. Add Pulse Rifle MK2 (Braindawg) https://www.dropbox.com/s/hoh1dd8crmoxkc1/Pulse%20Rifle.txt?dl=0Add BoomstickUpdate ammo box entitiyHold only 1 type of ammo.Update model depending on the type of ammo.Set how much ammo the entity can have else use the give ammo pack function.Add health vial entityReplace all health vials with a vial that stores medical ammo.Do something with batteries.MOUSE2 to throw stuff at zombies while holding them.RELOAD to unnail props while holding the hammer.Add further leveling of some sorts (prestige).Update game time mechanics:2:15 warm up time15:00 round time0:45 end timeDisable new humans after warm up time * 2Disable redemption after warm up time + 12 minutes (add message "all chances at redemption are over)"
  6. - Added everything from above but no perks yet. - Temporarily disabled global perks. - Each zombie now has a limit of how much SP for damage they can give that life. This is their base value * 3. Temporary until a better system is in place.
  7. For tonight's update, mainly on Medic (I will post changelog when it's up.): CLASSES WILL RECEIVE THE CORRECT AMMO FOR SPAWN +10 medical ammo on spawn +10% medical efficiency (bonus healing) +10% medical ammo received + lvl * 10 medical ammo on spawn + lvl * 10 medical ammo received + lvl * 3% medical efficiency Base ammo given is 20 (22 for lvl 0) Medkit Heal 10 Heal others cooldown: 10 seconds. Heal self cooldown: 20 seconds. Mediguns have the same but a base healing power of 5. New Perks Flow-9 Seconds healing cooldown-80% healing powerTransfusionHealing an undead with the medical kit does (10 + healing power) damage and converts to medical ammo.Saint33% of healing also goes to self.Can overheal self to 120 health.
  8. [High Priority] Update kill feedFix certain killicons (mediguns)Add +x medic ammo received as a bonus.Picking up ammo with melee to go to primary, if not then secondary.[Medium Priority] TurretsRemove ability to turn off turrets.USE to pickup turret.Automatically switch on/off when no ammo.Fix redeeming with no proper loadout.
  9. Priority Todo List: [High Priority] Update kill feedFix certain killicons.[Medium Priority] TurretsRemove ability to turn off turrets.USE to pickup turret.Automatically switch on/off when no ammo.Fix redeeming with no proper loadout.[Low Priority] Fix damage over time always having toxic effect even when under bleed damage (check zombies healing instantly as this isnt counted as proper damage?)Add proper colour changing in the damage over time code.[Low Priority (new content)] Add Pulse Rifle MK2MOUSE2 to throw stuff at zombies while holding them.RELOAD to unnail props while holding the hammer.Add further leveling of some sorts (prestige).
  10. If the medic ammo still an issue?
  11. Several updates and fixes regarding the new ammo system.
  12. Ammo system has been updated. Players now hold the ammo on themselves instead of weapons. Please let me know of any issues that appeared because of this change.
  13. - Updated kill feed. - Increased SP required for each weapon from 30 -> 50 SP. - Increase ammo given from sources for the following weapons: > Rifle 16 -> 28 > Pistol 12 -> 18 > SMG 20 -> 30 > 357 / Sniper 6 -> 8 > Shotgun 6 -> 8
  14. Priority Todo List: [High Priority] Update kill feedFix certain killicons.Update killfeed display.Remove poison damage from ghoul and poison zombie.[Medium Priority] TurretsRemove ability to turn off turrets.USE to pickup turret.Automatically switch on/off when no ammo.Fix redeeming with no proper loadout.[Low Priority] Fix damage over time always having toxic effect even when under bleed damage (check zombies healing instantly as this isnt counted as proper damage?)Add proper colour changing in the damage over time code.[Low Priority (new content)] Add Pulse Rifle MK2MOUSE2 to throw stuff at zombies while holding them.RELOAD to unnail props while holding the hammer.Add further leveling of some sorts (prestige).
  15. - Added a new global perk. - Added a new sharpshooter perk. - Added a new sharpshooter bonus. - Updated Viper perk. - Increased barreta accuracy. - Increased musket accuracy. - Fall damage can now kill you. - Updated boots of steel. - Several other minor changes
  16. - Fixed clientside error with shotguns. - Increased plank damage from 16 to 17. - Updated healthy reward perk. - Added map zs_siege_v5. - Slightly buffed anti venom perk. - Increased Ghoul speed. - Decreased height of ghoul collision box and view position.
  17. - Fixed burning bodies damaging players.- Updated alyxgun viewmodel.
  18. - Fixed being able to shoot nails.- Fixed not being able to nail func_physboxes.- Fixed being able to damage other humans with func_physboxes. To Add: Being able to damage zombies by throwing shit at them.
  19. I'll put it on the list for this weekends development.
  20. He is getting banned next time I see it.
  21. Priority Todo List: [High Priority] Add 10 second dormant time for blood spawners. [Medium Priority] Update kill feedFix certain killicons.Update killfeed display.Daze ghouls and poison zombies on flesh throw instead of pre-throw.Remove poison damage from ghoul and poison zombie.TurretsRemove ability to turn off turrets.USE to pickup turret.Automatically switch on/off when no ammo.Fix redeeming with no proper loadout.Fix fall damage scale never killing the player. [Low Priority] Fix damage over time always having toxic effect even when under bleed damage.Add proper colour changing in the damage over time code. [Low Priority (new content)] Add Pulse Rifle MK2MOUSE2 to throw stuff at zombies while holding them.RELOAD to unnail props while holding the hammer.Add further leveling of some sorts (prestige).
  22. Last update for now: - Behemoth health 2000 to 3000.- Fixed behemoth not having its visuals (skull, red eyes and crowbar).- Behemoth scaled back down due to causing humans to get stuck (Future fixing).- Crouched humans do 22% less melee damage (Ultimately I need to fix the crouch exploit).
  23. - Updated shotguns.- Shotguns can now use ironsights.- Update several support weapons.- Blast Proof perk lowers explosive damage by 80%.- Zombies no longer drop weapons on death.- The scrap price for weapons has been modified to ((TIER * 10) + 10).- Lowered commando grenade radius.- Slightly lowered C4 radius and distance check.- Poison puke can now damage props, 5 damage per puke.
  24. - Fixed combat knife hit animation not playing. - Fixed chainsaw animation. - Fixed wraith and ghast having flesh material. - Updated ghoul. - Poison puke particles updates. - Poison puke can now go through fences. - Ghoul and poison zombie now spit puke on death. - Behemoth scream now disorientates humans and enrages zombies giving them health. - Several other minor changes. - Player data should now be saved on force change map. - Changed some unlock times of the undead. - Modified some undead stats. - Increased collision box of behemoth to stop humans getting stuck. - Updated some support weapons. - Increased amount of ammo some starter weapons have. - Decreased some SP values of certain weapons. - Added about 20 maps.
  25. Weekend todo list: Fix knife animation.Fix chainsaw animationFix poison puke not going through fences.Fix damage over time always having toxic effect even when under bleed damage.Add Pulse Rifle Mk2Add Boomstick
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