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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Pufulet

  1. meh here are some pictures of meh map.
  2. Jackie Chan Giant turtle that shoots burning crap out of its butt. Enraged army of assassin penguins. Drunk Mudkip Toaster
  3. k thx, when will that be?
  4. my pet Red Eared slider called HENRY =D
  5. source sdk
  6. http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=91640 players recommended 20-34
  7. i saw that it can not be played if there are too many people... so i will make a new map called zs_puf_swamp the name might change within progress...
  8. which map was it that you added?
  9. Hello every one.. i was thinking of making maps for this server, so i made an account to start talking about it... I used to make realy good zs maps for Gamerz Unlimited Zombie Outrage, proof : http://www.garrysmod.org/user/?u=75472&rnum=771179 I would like it to see that my newest map zs_seige_v1 would be on the server its supposed to be spelt like that. Anywayz.. the server has been kinda empty for quite a while so im looking for a new zs server to make meh maps and to be played on the server. Looking for an admin to talk about this. thankz youz
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