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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Pufulet

  1. Could be hosted as a green zombie survival.
  2. Hi All, I will be posting progress about my own take on zombie survival using the latest public 3.0 base from GIT. This is purely a hobby and I don't guarantee it will ever be finished/hosted, First let me get a Q&A out: What about the current ZS on the server? At this time, I have no intention to continue working on it. Why not help in creating the other ZS? I simply don't wish to and want to see what I can do for myself. Are you trying to make this the official green zs? No. I'm not trying to copy or revive any older version of this mod. I'm simply taking my own approach in designing something that I would enjoy and hopefully others. Why did you snip everthing? I simply don't wish to show my work to the public currently.
  3. The official green zs is there, I'm just working on this as a hobby and one day maybe get this hosted by the community.
  4. This is part of the mod that I'm building from 3.0. I don't have any intentions to intervene with your own project.
  5. Created a flare gun using Braindawg's model. Player must be looking upwards and at the skybox to fire. Shoots a bright flare really high into the air that gradually falls down. When the flare begins going down a headcrab canister is launched at that position. An important mechanic that I have added to 3.0. The canister will destroy anything that is about 64 units (25% more than the player width) away from it. Using the canister will cause it to open up and ammo and weapons (number and type will depend on wave) will fall out of it. This will all be up for grabs. Anyone can then use it to gain a suitable weapon from it once it has been opened. Just hit USE again. I will need to upload a video clip because I was impressed by the whole visuals.
  6. From what I understand, you either make the player download the map or get it via workshop and they have access to both of these.
  7. I'm curious how you exclude maps from other servers.
  8. Hi Guys, I've been having discussions on the current mod and its future and have came to the conclusion that moving to the new base is the right thing to do now. The current mod has allowed me to experiment with gameplay and what I deem a green zombie survival. This knowledge and experience will be used for a new base but keeping what has always made this server unique. Some initial points that would change from the new base: Remove arsenal and resupply crate. Disable bosses. At wave end a headcrab canister or something will come crashing down (depending on surface or underground map) for supplies. This will be very similar to the old supply crates. Undead dropping ammo. Dynamic zombie spawns everywhere (similar to killing floor). Human classes, each with their own leveling and xp. (similar system to what the mod currently has, it will be revised) Let me know what your thoughts are on all the above.
  9. Where can I try this.
  10. I (most left in first pic) went to Amsterdam for 4 days as a holiday and met up with Rob (middle in first pic). Every single night we drank like raging alcoholics and it was fantastic.
  11. I miss the server panel with what maps and how many players are on.
  12. An update on current development: I code for my work placement so I don't want to code in my spare time. I finish my placement at the start of July. Chances of me doing development are slim until then. I haven't abandoned this mod.
  13. My badges seem a bit messed up.
  14. Please post a screenshot of what you see.
  15. - Fixed an endscreen font not existing. - Increased damage of elites, barreta and alyxgun by 1.
  16. Priority Todo List: [High Priority] Fix some text not scaling on the new loadout screen.Fix a frequent issue where the loadout screen would consume fps.[Medium Priority] Upgrade leveling systemAdd a prestige button to loadout screen (where we display what level and class you are) to set level to 0 when max level.Separate each class to use it's own levels (might need to work with Ywa on this).Add a command to transfer old levels to current class as xp (10,000 per old level).Scale down XP requirements with new levels.[Low Priority] Add Boomstick (need a cool model from Braindawg).Do something with batteries.MOUSE2 to throw stuff at zombies while holding them.RELOAD to unnail props while holding the hammer.Check if Commando can still see zombie health.Fix railgun not passing through fellow humans.Make all pulse weapons use the same base.Move !commands to /commands.Update game time mechanics:Disable redemption after warm up time + 12 minutes (add message "all chances of redemption are over)"Make all notifications use the standard message (hazard/bio symbol icon and some text, refer to weapon pickup).Update barricading systemDamage done to be spread randomly amongst nails.Fix being able to place multiple nails in the same spot.Repair the nail that you're targetting?
  17. - Updated scoreboard. - Added ammo pack bonus to Support. - Several other minor changes. - Disabled visual effect for weapons and ammo.
  18. Added Necrossin's endgame screen and is currently set to allow 5 maps to vote for. This may receive further changes.Diverse AmmoAmmo drops are no longer a generic SMG box that give ammo to the current weapon.An undead, map placed or ammo pack will randomly (this may be altered to suite that human attacker) drop an ammo of any typeThe ammo types are:Pistol box (pistol)SMG box (smg)AR2 clip (assault rifle)AR2 Combine Ball (pyro)Shotgun shells (buckshot)Health vial (medical)Mini hl2 ammo crate (currently for grenades/c4 if in equipped but will be changed to give ammo to everything).Ammo pack can pickup any of these and throw it down again for something else.Mobile supplies still gives the equipped tool/weapon ammunition.Added "Energiser" tier 3 Engineer weapon. Essentially the pulse rifle but slower and deals significantly more damage. Priority Todo List: [High Priority] Fix some text not scaling on the new loadout screen.Fix a frequent issue where the loadout screen would consume fps.[Medium Priority] Add a long term leveling system (prestige or some other bonuses and perks).[Low Priority] Add BoomstickAdd health vial entityReplace all health vials with a vial that stores medical ammo.Do something with batteries.MOUSE2 to throw stuff at zombies while holding them.RELOAD to unnail props while holding the hammer.Add further leveling of some sorts (prestige).Update game time mechanics:Disable redemption after warm up time + 12 minutes (add message "all chances at redemption are over)"
  19. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/543048741645749549/B7B7738A5ACBBEFD9B4E607C9943C2BDDB6E5812/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/543048741645768066/4C09935B4275A9C025737BB820AF18EE2D73AE54/ Visually great map and fantastic design to some extent, however it lacks proper optimisation. Remove the smoke particles you have that are barely visible completely.Use a water that doesn't reflect (I know it looks pretty but water can easily half your fps and should only be used in certain situations.(use nature/water_movingplane , func_water_analog, move distance of 1 and start position 0.You need to add skips (standard world brush but textured with the skip) http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/543048741645798828/615CF5A227856904E490DD2385343AE6B8ABB586/mat_leafvis 3 to see the red stuff. You got too many visleafs around your buildings and the skip will stop them from creating there.You need to func_detail your detail http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/543048741645811059/6A9E19F9764C49B9B1B88B7FA33B7FC31DE4A75F/Anything that is detail needs to be this (staircases, handrails, support columns etc.)Your base map should be as blocky and cubey as possible when you turned off all of your beautiful func_details which make the map nice.See attached file.Also make the map brighter in general, dark maps arent cool anymore and just annoying when you cant see (yours is obviously no where near as bad but still)Don't forget to compile on vvis normal
  20. The HUD is somewhat pleasant but the rest is just standard 3.0 content.
  21. Why would you want the inconvenienceof selecting them every game? Medics generally have more ammo including the new perk. Removed zs_surfacing.
  22. Priority Todo List: [High Priority] Fix some text not scaling on the new loadout screen.Fix a frequent issue where the loadout screen would consume fps.[Medium Priority] Add a long term leveling system (prestige or some other bonuses and perks).[Low Priority] Add Pulse Rifle MK2 (Braindawg) https://www.dropbox.... Rifle.txt?dl=0Add BoomstickUpdate ammo box entitiyHold only 1 type of ammo.Update model depending on the type of ammo.Set how much ammo the entity can have else use the give ammo pack function.Add health vial entityReplace all health vials with a vial that stores medical ammo.Do something with batteries.Create a new endgame screen.MOUSE2 to throw stuff at zombies while holding them.RELOAD to unnail props while holding the hammer.Add further leveling of some sorts (prestige).Update game time mechanics:0:45 end timeDisable new humans after warm up time * 2Disable redemption after warm up time + 12 minutes (add message "all chances at redemption are over)"
  23. The mod should show in the "Zombie Survival" category, last time I checked. I will need to check next time I can.
  24. - Slightly scaled down fall damage. - Added 2 new medic perks. - Fixed a bug where redeeming (no initial spawn) as a human would not apply saved loadout.
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