Yep, that would reduce spawnkilling. I has another suggestion. I'm sick to get killed when joining the game as human, there would be a spawn protection for humans too,when they spawn, as long as humans dont move, they are protected for 1min.
He redemeed into a lamp :3 a was a fast headcrab and when i saw this i laughed so hard, and i didnt attacked him. I ran away while laughing my as off. Funny as fuck. :3
Can we get the coins with the zombies and humans that the people killed BEFORE the new update? Or everyone have to start to 0 coins? Because i have played a lot on the zombie survival server, i just wanted to know if clavus was about to give coins for the zombies or humans we already killed. Also, only 1 coins for a zombie killed, and those hats are fucking expensive. D: We shall discuss about it. Thanks. (Sorry for my bad english)