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Walumi -3-

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  1. Yep, that would reduce spawnkilling. I has another suggestion. I'm sick to get killed when joining the game as human, there would be a spawn protection for humans too,when they spawn, as long as humans dont move, they are protected for 1min.
  2. He redemeed into a lamp :3 a was a fast headcrab and when i saw this i laughed so hard, and i didnt attacked him. I ran away while laughing my as off. Funny as fuck. :3
  3. Are you kidding?
  4. Awesome, My rig really look like that.
  5. No. Please no.
  6. Can we get the coins with the zombies and humans that the people killed BEFORE the new update? Or everyone have to start to 0 coins? Because i have played a lot on the zombie survival server, i just wanted to know if clavus was about to give coins for the zombies or humans we already killed. Also, only 1 coins for a zombie killed, and those hats are fucking expensive. D: We shall discuss about it. Thanks. (Sorry for my bad english)
  7. There is still some infected peoples.
  8. I dont understand why people do this. Because they cant give pleasure, they take it.
  9. o_O This is the first time i see something like THAT...
  10. Walumi -3-

    Fallout 3

    My computer is not powerful enough for this game.
  11. Congrats to you two.
  12. Frenchy. :3 Eww, no frenchs?
  13. Oh my god. Buy a new one, a make sure your dad wont kill it.
  14. Just fix the skybox, and that would be great.
  15. Can't wait for the next patch!!! This is gonna be awesome.
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