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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Bean

  1. Hello, Might give it a try this weekend !
  2. I would be pleased to test it out ! Hello there :)
  3. Bean

    Hey guys !

    Too bad ! I was kinda interested in coming back but oh well, nevermind Thx guys !
  4. For those who remember me from the good ol' days... it's been a while ! Just wanted to say hello and if anyone can make a quick summary of what's new on ZS since I left it would be greatly appreciated Cya folks !
  5. Much love from your old nightmare <3
  6. Ok no problem thanks for fast answer
  7. Hello, I'm making this post for my cousin Golgotha an ancien regular player on Mr.Green Tf2 server. He lost all his stats on TF2 (he was almost at 500k points) and he would like to get them back, I would like to know if it's possible to restore them? His steamID is : STEAM_0:0:2647840 P.S: He is not familiar with forums etc so that's why I make it for him
  8. Zombine head shouldn't be armored and should be their weak spot.
  9. That's why you love me :P

  10. - Agreed. - When you reach higher lvl you spawn a way too much with it you'll see - I don't really like the scout but I don't have any better idea so why not.
  11. I worship the time where all was simple No classes No perks No questions Just survive
  12. As long as I play Zs it will be hard. Sorry for that
  13. - Remove M3. That weapon isn't that good and it's not a support weapon HL2 Smg is a way lot better. As last human HL2 shotty would be better imo. Fail Reply is fail Anyone else think that support deserves the scout sniper? What?
  14. Agreed 100%. I have some suggestions for support class. - Remove M3. That weapon isn't that good and it's not a support weapon HL2 Smg is a way lot better. As last human HL2 shotty would be better imo. - Supply crate. %spawn is fair now but can you make something to keep the ammunition we gain when switching from another ammunition type? Would be great - Mac10 is OP maybe reduce it's damage slightly. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Collisions between zombies and humans are weird, any chance to bring old collisions back? You know.. when you collide to a zombie it's like to collide a wall (Only against humans and zombies)
  15. New UI is good and clear.
  16. I don't get it why people just keep whining about what Necro is doing. Just deal with it I've never ever whine about the game personnaly :< And I'm here to say I'm happy because Necro made an awesome propkill icon <3 Why not but get ready for massive rape.
  17. I love you
  18. HECK NO! Get out. The zs legends are trying to get in "top players" list. Learn to play. Ktnxbai. Damien @ Shame players like Arp0r left the games. He is 23 or so years.. It's not about score or anything like this. It's just more fun to be zombie. And what about my brother Arp0r ? (he is 26 years old)
  19. Kill whoring? Oh god I didn't know that killing human was against the rules.
  20. I wish I could get back 2 years ago :/ I miss Roborobb, Sneed, Hundred2, Delu, etc. so much :'( Anyway 5% health sounds good for Normal and Poison zombie.
  21. Thank you
  22. Sure zombie should get their advantages by the numbers but like Pufulet says "x% more health" is a good perk maybe a "x% faster prop launch" (Let me dream)
  23. I think zombie classes should have a level system... I can't agree more there are players here (like me) that prefer playing zombie than human what, like: Zombie Level 0 to level 1 Propkill 100 Humans Kill 350 Humans Classinfo of level 1: 10% More Health Why not. In fact I feel like for most of people being zombie is a punishment so a level system for them might be a good point
  24. I think zombie classes should have a level system... I can't agree more there are players here (like me) that prefer playing zombie than human
  25. Ever experienced Pub with 44 ppl ?
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