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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Bean

  1. I would have been almost lvl 7 I think if levels were added 3 years ago :<
  2. As I'm always using it I can say that Poison Zombie is very strong and to be honest it's not the kind of Zombie to follow your target but to stand still waiting with some props. That's the way it mean to be played behind others Zombies as support or sniping with props. PZ is very strong in small maps (like house maps) in melee but open space maps it doesn't. It's like the Zombine don't bother to reach your target. Just propkill with it. Anyway I may have a totally different gameplay than other people but I'm doing pretty well like that. That said : PZ shouldn't instakill humans with propkill.
  3. Agree with Damien, Zerk is not the only thing to take care of there are others minor/major imbalance to fix. Commando and support need some love.
  4. The problem is then poison Zombie would be OP -> Healing / Insane melee dmg (thanks back breaker)/ Instakill with props. Sounds a bit too much to me :/
  5. Teamwork = more humans in same place = more meat bags = more brainz Just don't change
  6. Zerk isn't anymore a problem when you have props around you ;P
  7. I agree with you but sometimes it's totally irealistic too. The poison Zombie witch is the strongest can shoot little prop (like tire, TV, lamp, shovel, etc.) with very high velocity and it doesn't instakill the human. At least some props should instakill because of their morphology.
  8. God can't agree more. I can't imagine the number of humans I would have killed with propkill but they still manage to resist a tire shooted at 540Km/h.
  9. Hi ! You should get Quick Cure asap
  10. Hello BoB nice to know you back
  11. Wasnt that the round in the celler? with the epic cade It was !
  12. I think it was harder to play as a Zombie in old ZS that's why I loved bein' a Zombie. Propkilling was easier than now because it doesn't oneshot anymore and props seems to be "heavier" or Zombie have less strength. Anyway in overall the game is fun I still have some Frapsed videos of my propkills I've made long time ago.. Duuh somes are incredible :< Dunno how i was able to do that I propshoot like a shit now ^^ I should post them btw
  13. Damn I remember that round. Freaking epic !
  14. Hahaha Hundred I think you've been traumatized by my TVs in your head !
  15. Hey guys how are you ? It's been a long time I haven't post something here I still miss ZS a lot ! Are there any old players still playing?
  16. I miss you guys.. terribly That reminds me the good times I spend on the server.. propkill for ever !
  17. Well the game may have some bugs but it doesn't ruin the entire gaming experience... Mr.Green Worst Nightmare will come back soon to ZS >;O
  18. I love the new art, good job both of you
  19. Bean

    R.I.P Bean

    Hey guys it's been a long time I'm on Mr.Green ZS, it's time for me to quit ZS, the game doesn't entertain me anymore this has nothing to do with the new update It's just I've been playing ZS for too long and I have no more objectives in the game .. which is really important for me. I think I've masteryze the game to a certain level.. now I'm trying to do the same on TF2 which is more complicated but I love difficulty. (I'm ranked 9th atm) I've met so many good or bad people Robo.. Sneed.. and many many more (only to name a few good ones) I would like to thank you all guys you greatly enhance my experience on the game and I thank you for that . I would like to thank Clavus, Ywa and Delu for making such an awesome game I'm sure this is the game I enjoyed the most in my life, keep making it better ! This is it, Bean time is done with 110.000 overall kills and 10.000 propkills kills.. (Hmm I still have some videos on my comp ) See you on TF2
  20. Bean

    Robo is Done!

    Take care Bob, maybe we will meet again in another game.. who knows You were a very fair player !
  21. Bean

    Robo is Done!

    I Already told you my feelings about that, it's your decision, it's your life I fully respect it and wish you the best in everything you do. Kiss friend I will miss you :'(
  22. Oasis - Wonderwall
  23. I've looked at the screenshot and it seems absolutly awesome, be sure I'll be there for beta test ! I just have one question, will there be new Greenshop powerups to buy with the upcoming update?
  24. Really, I can't wait for that update !
  25. 56% for me but I have another question XD What would be your survival chances if you meet zombie Bean in real life?
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