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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Camille

  1. yayayayaya back ^^

  2. it rly has something nice, 7/10
  3. Camille


    5 days in august
  4. Camille


    I was wondering if there's any progress?
  5. I love this topic.
  6. in 4 years ur probably pretty.
  7. +1 :') Lolz thanks guys
  8. this thread is a huge disappointment.
  9. You guys sure fear someone thinking you're gay Typical heterosexuals who turn gay later
  10. 'The Dutch are indeed a very sinful nation. I wonder why God hasn't wiped them out yet, just like he did with Sodom and Gomorrah.' God. I lol'd.
  11. Camille


  12. The one in front Nice
  13. Summer!
  14. Cakes here btw
  15. I kinda like it! I like the distortion init!
  16. It's ok, 6/10
  17. Im sure I've played this map years ago, possible?
  18. Is it also possible to work in decimals? Maybe that would be more percise?
  19. Camille


    I'm not even gonna argue with you, I really don't like you and we go way back.
  20. Yea now you need a cracked GTA_SA.exe Search for it on google, I dont know if i'm allowed to post it here 'Do not make topics about hacks/cracks/cheats for a multiplayer game. Go ruin somebody's fun somewhere else.'
  21. Will it help if I send my gta_sa.exe which is cracked, bin?
  22. Camille


    Yeah, even though the ones we have now are online a lot, I think we could use some more too. Doesn't have to be me, just statin
  23. Camille


    Thanks again
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